NAVPLG Newsletter | Summer 2024


NAVPLG Virtual Education Series

NAVPLG provides high-quality educational opportunities to assist individuals responsible for managing, overseeing, or partnering with governmental volunteer programs. Attending will benefit everyone.

August 14, 2024
"So you have taken over the Volunteer Program, Now What?" presented by Tony Richardson, CVA (ZOOM Link)

September 18, 2024
"Compassion Fatigue," facilitated by Rev. Dr. Jeanne Kataoka

October 16, 2024
"Using AI in your Volunteer Program," a discussion with Kelly Uver Sterner

Learn more about upcoming educational opportunities at Education - NAVPLG

NAVPLG Board of Directors

President: Roxanne Flores, City of Copperas Cove, Texas
Vice-President: Michal D. Harris, MBA, Arkansas Baptist College, Little Rock, Arkansas
Treasurer/Finance: Manuel Moreno, County of Los Angeles, California
Secretary: Kay Pelt-Walker, CVA, M.P.A., County of Leon, Florida
Past President:  Mary Lynn Perry, M.A., City of Sacramento, California
Members-at-Large: Deirdre Araujo, Exploratorium Museum of Science, Art, and Human Perception, San Francisco, California; Deborah L. Macon, MBA, Greater West Bloomfield Cable Communications Commission, West Bloomfield, Michigan; Karen Sykes, M.P.A., City of Little Rock, Arkansas
Membership Chair: Jeannine Purdy, M.S.W., County of Fairfax, Virginia
Awards Chair: Tara Waters, M.P.A., City of Raleigh, North Carolina
Education Chair: Marcia Hale, CVA, City of Hillsboro, Oregon
Marketing & Technology Chair: Tony Richardson, CVA, County of San Diego, California
E-Newsletter Chair: Melissa A. Heinlein Storti, Ph.D., CAVS, Department of Veterans Affairs, Washington, D.C. 
Social Media Chair: Kelly Uber Sterner, M.Ed., Gwinnett County, Georgia
NACo Liaison: Miranda Morvay, National Association of Counties, Washington, DC
Committees Associate: Kandy LeMoine, CVA, City of Farmington, New Mexico

A Note from our NAVPLG President

Dear NAVPLG Members and Friends~
As we embrace the summer of 2024, I am reminded of the vital role each of you plays in shaping the future of volunteerism in our communities. The past year has presented both challenges and opportunities, underscoring the importance of our collective efforts and dedication. Now, more than ever, is a crucial time to get involved and continue our mission of supporting volunteer administrators.
Our annual meeting, scheduled for August 14, is a pivotal opportunity for all of us to come together. This gathering is not just a chance to discuss our progress and plans, but also to reinforce our commitment to the invaluable work we do. The presence and participation of each member are essential as we navigate evolving community needs and strive to enhance the impact of our programs.
Supporting volunteer administrators is critical for several reasons. They are the backbone of our initiatives, ensuring that our volunteers are well-coordinated, motivated, and effectively deployed to serve our communities. In an era where community engagement and support services are increasingly vital, having skilled and supported administrators helps us respond more dynamically and effectively to emerging needs.
Your involvement in our upcoming meeting will not only contribute to the success of our organization but also strengthen the network of support that underpins our collective achievements. Let us come together to share ideas, celebrate our successes, and recommit to our shared goals.
I look forward to seeing you on August 14 and working together to continue advancing our mission.

Roxanne Flores
NAVPLG President

Attend the NAVPLG Annual Meeting, August 14, 2024

August 14 - Annual NAVPLG Member Business Meeting
PT – 12:00 PM ● MT – 1:00 PM ● CT – 2:00 PM ● ET – 3:00 PM 


  • Meet the winners of the NAVPLG Awards
  • See how NAVPLG members voted regarding the name change
  • Join the presentation: "So, You've taken over the Volunteer Program, Now What?" presented by Tony Richardson

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 821 2826 8996

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Proposed NAVPLG Name Change! Cast Your Vote by 11:59 p.m. on August 11!

Since 1997, the National Association of Volunteer Programs in Local Government has remained the only national association dedicated to coordinators, managers, and administrators of volunteer programs in local government agencies. However, our membership has increased to include state, federal, and tribal governments, state colleges and universities, K-12 school districts, special purpose districts, and other government-affiliated agencies.

NAVPLG Board of Directors is recommending a slight name change:

From: National Association of Volunteer Programs in Local Government
Proposed: National Association of Volunteer Program Leaders in Government

Click here to vote! 

Please take a moment to vote for the proposed name change. Voting will remain open until 11:59 p.m on Sunday, August 11.

(Note: Please do not share this link as it is encoded for your use)

Advocate for Our Profession, Let's Do This!

Join the AL!VE initiative to recognize volunteer engagement professionals by advocating for an official occupational code with the Department of Labor - US Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Learn More About The Initiative

Webinar Date: August 1, 2024 @ 3:00 PM Eastern
Register here
Can't attend?  View a recording here.


Why Advocate for an Occupational Code

Professionals in volunteer engagement play a crucial role in managing and coordinating volunteers, contributing significantly to community and organizational success. Despite having a certifying body*, we are not currently recognized as a profession by the Department of Labor - US Bureau of Labor Statistics. By advocating for an official occupational code, we can ensure our profession receives the recognition and support it deserves.

*The Council for Certification in Volunteer Administration (CCVA) offers the Certified in Volunteer Administration (CVA) credential, an international professional certification in the field of volunteer resources management. This credentialed certification underscores the expertise and professionalism of individuals in our field.

Use the TemplateDownload the template here to ensure your feedback is impactful and structured.

Learn more about the initiative at Advocate for Our Profession - Association of Leaders in Volunteer Engagement (

2024 Points of Light Conference

 The Points of Light (POL) Conference took place June 11-14, 2024 in Houston, Texas.

Join thousands from around the United States and world who are coming together for social impact, empowerment, and inspiration. You can sign up for the 2025 conference updates here. The 2025 POL Conference is scheduled for
June 3-6 in New Orleans. If you are thinking about attending next year, check out this video for inspiration. 

2024 NAVPLG Awards

The 2024 NAVPLG Awards will be announced during the Annual Members Meeting on August 14. We can't wait to recognize our incredible leaders in the field. 

Click here to learn more about NAVPLG Awards. 

NAVPLG Board Positions Openings

NAVPLG has two board member position openings. We are seeking the following positions to starting August 2024:

Award Chair and Education Chair

Consider joining this incredible team of talented and passionate leaders in the field. 

Read more about these Board Positions: 

Welcome New NAVPLG Members!

Welcome, NEW NAVPLG Members!

  • Angela Marketon
  • Anitra Wiggins, City of Raleigh
  • Debra Albert, Spry Forward
  • Hannah Calandra, Metroparks Toledo
  • Julianne Warr, Metroparks Toledo
  • Julie Waller, Alliant Insurance Services, Inc.
  • Kiersten Anderson, City of San Luis Obispo
  • Kim Sigrist, Missouri Western State University Center for Service
  • Krista Gilmore, Cecil County Department of Community Services
  • Rachel Boggs, City of Roseville, Minnesota
  • Shawnte Berry, Howard County Recreation & Parks
  • Thomas Carpenter, City of Santa Monica
  • City of Springfield, Missouri

Fiscal Year Coming to an End? Tips to Capture Your Volunteer Success

It's that time of year...again. Another fiscal year in the books. Another meeting and annual report to share with leadership your successes and challenges in volunteer engagement. So, what did you do this year? How are you translating your volunteer metrics into something meaningful and measurable. What impact did your volunteers have on your organization's strategic plan? Are your metrics driven by your action? 

Listen to this podcast with Dr. Sue Carter Kahl (who was also one of our NAVPLG speakers). According to Dr. Carter Kahl, "what you measure matters – and not everything that matters can be measured." 

You can also check out Dr. Carter Kahl's blog, Volunteer Commons, to help inspire more ideas. 

Share Your Best Practices!

Did you ever think that one of your successful processes could be seen as a best practice for the field? Have you streamlined your onboarding process that saves time for you and volunteers? How did you successfully incorporate Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion into your volunteer values? What worked for you when presenting to your organization's leadership about the value-added of volunteers? How did you get paid staff buy-in for your youth programs? We can to hear from you!

Connect with Melissa Heinlein Storti, NAVPLG E-Newsletter Chair to have your Best Practice featured in an upcoming NAVPLG newsletter. 


Honoring America's Veterans

November 11 is a day to recognize those who served and continue to serve our country. Here are ways to recognize Veterans at home, school, or work. As a government entity, Veterans are in your organization either as employees, volunteers, or stakeholders. Let's show our American pride and say THANK YOU to our Veterans. 

What do you know about Veterans Day? Learn more here.

Are you the next AL!IVE Executive Director?

Join the team and make a difference at AL!VE. Apply to be the next ALIVE Executive Director!

Executive Director Opportunity - Association of Leaders in Volunteer Engagement (

Did You Know?

Did you know that NAVPLG Members can attend AL!VE Communities of Practice (CoP) and  AL!VE Academies for free? A Community of Practice is a group of volunteer engagement professionals that meets virtually to share issues, strategies and best practices, get and receive colleagues' support, make connections, and provide an opportunity to share information, experiences, and resources specific to the industry/structure or community they serve.

AL!VE CoP include, but are not limited to: Animal Welfare, Faith-Based Volunteer Programs, Health Care, Museums and Cultural Institutions, Parks and Recreation, Rural Communities, and more. 

Upcoming ALIVE CoP:
August 6 - Food Banks
August 8 - Faith-Based
August 14 - Americorp Seniors
August 20 - Rural Programs
August 27 - Animal Welfare

September 12 - Health Care
September 16 - Museum & Cultural Institutions
September 19 - Parks and Recreation, Emergency Response

Learn more about AL!VE CoP.  You can register for an AL!VE CoP through their calendar.

Discover upcoming AL!VE Academies at AL!VE Academy
NAVPLG NEWSLETTER 2021 - NAVPLG Newsletter | Summer 2024