NAVPLG Newsletter | Fall 2022

NAVPLG Board of Directors

President: Mary Lynn Perry, M.A., City of Sacramento, California
Past President:  Kandy LeMoine CVA, City of Farmington, New Mexico
Secretary: Alyse Lui, City of Hayward, California
Treasurer/Finance:  Manuel Moreno, County of Los Angeles, California
Members-at-Large: Deirdre Araujo, Exploratorium Museum of Science, Art, and Human Perception, San Francisco, California; Michal D. Harris, MBA, Arkansas Baptist College, Little Rock, Arkansas; Deborah L. Macon, MBA, Greater West Bloomfield Cable Communications Commission, West Bloomfield, Michigan
Membership Chair: Jeannine Purdy, County of Fairfax, Virginia
Awards Chair: Tara Waters, City of Raleigh, North Carolina
Education Co-Chairs:  Marcia Hale CVA, City of Hillsboro, Oregon; Melissa A. Heinlein Storti, PhD, CAVS, Corporal Michael J. Crescenz Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Marketing & Technology Chair: Roxanne Flores-Achmad, City of Copperas Cove, Texas
E-Newsletter Chair: Melissa A. Heinlein Storti, PhD, CAVS, Corporal Michael J. Crescenz Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Social Media Chair: Roxanne Flores-Achmad, City of Copperas Cove, Texas
Nomination Chair:  Karen Sykes, M.P.A., City of Little Rock, Arkansas
NACo Liaison: Miranda Morvay

NAVPLG Education Program | November 16, 2022

NAVPLG Education Program | Sustainability for Your Volunteer Program

Topic: Sustainability for Your Volunteer Program (via Zoom)
Date:  November 16, 2022
Time:  11 am to 12:30 pm (Pacific)
Cost: Free
Donations welcomed

Christine BN Luciano, Environmental Outreach Coordinator, Fort Hood Directorate of Public Works Environmental Division

Education Program Description
Sustainability for Your Volunteer Program presentation will discuss successes and challenges along with lessons learned from the Fort Hood Directorate of Public Works Environmental Division, current initiatives with the Cen-Tex Sustainable Communities Partnership, the role of the military in sustainability and environmental compliance, and tools used to share and spread awareness of the good news stories.

More about the presenter
Christine Luciano is an environmental outreach coordinator for the Fort Hood Directorate of Public Works Environmental Division. Since January 2006, she has helped Soldiers, civilians and their families learn more about environmental and community stewardship and promoted environmental education and volunteerism through community and school events and partnerships. As a staff member of the Cen-Tex Sustainable Communities Partnership, she has assisted with the development of the Youth Environmental Ambassadors! program and is working to evolve the program to include military involvement with the Adopt-A-School program. Leveraging social media and print publications along with the Cen-Tex Partnership, she helps to increase the visibility and impact of sustainability programs and initiatives beyond the Fort Hood footprint.

Click Here to Register


Volunteer Management Progress Report | Survey

VolunteerPro's report is THE source for state-of-the-industry data for purpose-driven organizations, and this year’s survey is no exception. It includes a return of the salary question (a perennial fave!), questions about volunteer outcomes metrics, and more.

We need the input of volunteer leaders like you from around the world, so please add your voice to the results! The survey takes less than 10 minutes, and your anonymous response contributes to the overall understanding of our industry and helps build reliable data on global trends in volunteer coordination practices.

(Your response also gets you a spot at VolunteerPro's Early Results sneak peek in January!)

The survey closes on November 22, so please take a few minutes to take the survey today!

NAVPLG | Giving Tuesday

NAVPLG is participating in Giving Tuesday for the first time this year! NAVPLG is the leading national association of directors, managers, and administrators of volunteer programs in city, county and other local governments. Our purpose is to strengthen volunteer programs through leadership, education, advocacy, networking and information exchange. Founded in 1997, NAVPLG members from throughout the country are ready to share information about relevant issues and trends with others in our field. We hope that you will consider a donation.
Here's the link to our donations page.

Top 7 Volunteer Management Trends for 2022

VolunteerPro posted volunteer management trends for 2022. Do you think these will carry over in 2023?  Read the full link here.

Trend #1

Greater flexibility for volunteers
Trend #2
Volunteer management software upgrades
Trend #3
Increase (and decreased) resources for volunteer management
Trend #4
More transparent and authentic communications
Trend #5
Focus on recruitment for positions "Post COVID"
Trend #6
Getting "buy-in" remains a challenge
Trend #7
An increased interest in more inclusive volunteerism



2022 Volunteer Management Hybrid Conference | Impact Evaluation

On October 18 and 19, ALIVE, Better Impact, and Volunteer Management Professionals of Canada presented its eighth hybrid conference. This year, the focus was on the impact of data. The presenters were each dynamic and engaging and left you with wanting to take action as soon as you got back to the office. After each presentation (and if you were part of a local DOVIA site who hosted this conference), there was time allotted for discussion. Afterwards, the presenters came together for a though provoking and engaging panel discussion.

Presentations focused on:
~Why Volunteers Deserve Their Own Annual Report
~What's In It For Them? Persuading Leaders and Decision Makers
~The Relative Impact Model for Measuring the ROI of Volunteer Engagement
~Positioning Yourself as the Expert and Communication with Impact and Confidence

CCVA Exam Deadlines Coming Up

If you are thinking about the CVA exam in 2023, here are important dates for you to remember coming up. As a reminder, NAVPLG members receive a discount on their registration fee for the CVA. Click on here for more info. 

March 1, 2023 | Application and Payment Due
April 1-14, 2023 | Exam Window

September 1, 2023 | Application and Payment Due
October 1-14, 2023 | Exam Window

Have you received your CVA? Share with us your experience! E-mail Melissa Heinlein Storti, Newsletter Chair, to include in our next issue. 

ALIVE Community of Practice Sessions

If you are a member of ALIVE, check out their Community of Practice sessions in specific areas for networking opportunities, including CVA study groups, 

***NEW*** Check out the Community of Practice BOOK CLUB
***COMING SOON*** County Government, Higher Education, Faith Based


Time Management Tips

This time of year goes by so quickly. We turn the corner of Labor Day and before you know it we are in the midst of winter holidays. Alec Mackenzie has written about time management (check out his book The Time Trap). After browsing and googling some fresh ideas about time management, I stumbled upon something called the Eisenhower Matrix. Unbeknownst to me, this matrix is named after President Dwight Eisenhower who was recognized for his efficiency and discipline. 

In a 2011 research study from the University of California, it was found that multitasking can negatively affect your working memory and ability to focus on important tasks. What we also don't do enough of as volunteer engagement leaders is take breaks through the day. Skipping breaks can lead to overwhelming stress. How many times have you compromised your lunch break because someone needed something for you? But think about what you need for YOU. 

See full article here.
NAVPLG NEWSLETTER 2021 - NAVPLG Newsletter | Fall 2022