NAVPLG Board of Directors

President: Mary Lynn Perry, M.A., City of Sacramento, California
Past President:  Kandy LeMoine CVA, City of Farmington, New Mexico
Secretary: Alyse Lui, City of Hayward, California
Treasurer/Finance:  Manuel Moreno, County of Los Angeles, California
Members-at-Large: Jody Cook, City of Columbia, Missouri; Marcia Hale CVA, City of Hillsboro, Oregon; Tara Waters, City of Raleigh, North Carolina
Membership Chair: Jeannine Purdy, County of Fairfax, Virginia
Awards Chair: Leigh Kottwitz CVA, City of Columbia, Missouri
Education Chair:  Deirdre Araujo, Exploratorium Museum of Science, Art, and Human Perception, San Francisco, California
Marketing & Technology Chair: Roxanne Flores-Achmad, City of Copperas Cove, Texas
E-Newsletter Chair: Melissa A. Heinlein, PhD, CAVS, Dept. of Veterans Affairs, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Social Media Chair: Roxanne Flores-Achmad, City of Copperas Cove, Texas
Nomination Chair:  Karen Sykes, M.P.A., City of Little Rock, Arkansas
Committees Associate, Awards: Tara Waters, City of Raleigh, North Carolina
Committees Associate, Education: Mayor Michael Marsh, City of Pangburn, Arkansas


Member Spotlight | Manny Moreno

Manny Moreno started as a volunteer with the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department in 1986.  Soon after, he began working with community programing with the Department.  In the year 2000, the Sheriff’s Department began working with the FEMA Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) program and Manny, as an instructor and Program Manager, helped develop the Los Angeles County Sheriff CERT Program.

In 2007, working with the Sheriff’s Department Volunteer Program with 4,500 volunteers, Manny was then assigned to the Department of Parks and Recreation to establish its policies and volunteer management systems for its volunteer programs with 9,000 volunteers.  Since then, Manny has worked with the County of Los Angeles, as a whole, and its 38 departments, to help them establish their volunteer policies and protocols.  Acting a liaison between the County of Los Angeles and the California Department of Justice, he has helped the County to establish its policies and protocols for not only volunteers, but also employees and contractors.

Since 2019 working with the LA County Library, Manny oversees its volunteer programs with over 6,000 volunteers and 62 Friends of the Library non-profit groups.  Manny also works closely with the LA County Library Foundation while still a member of the Los Angeles County Sheriff Emergency Volunteer Management Team, which is responsible for the management of affiliated and convergent volunteers in disasters and states of emergency.

Way to go, Manny!

FREE NAVPLG Education Program Featuring Katie Campbell, CVA

Sticky Situations: Applying Ethics to Your Work with Volunteers

Speaker: Katie Campbell, CVA

Tuesday, October 26, 2021

11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Pacific
Cost:  Free


We all encounter ethical dilemmas in our daily work.  But rarely do organizations focus on ethics related to volunteer engagement.  This session provides an opportunity for practitioners to understand the difference between personal, organizational, and professional ethics.  The core values and principles identified by the Council for Certification in Volunteer Administration (CCVA) will be shared.  Participants will learn a process for ethical decision-making that can be applied in any situation, and then practice this using real-life scenarios related to volunteers.  Finally, several specific strategies will be offered for increasing awareness of ethics within an organization and helping both volunteers and staff become more effective at handling ethical dilemmas.  


This NAVPLG Education Program is equal to 1 PDU for CCVA certification/recertification. A Zoom link will be shared following registration. Click to register 


Invitation to Local Association Summit with AL!VE

Gretchen Jordan, Manager of AL!VE, has extended an invitation to NAVPLG Board and Committee members to attend the Local Association Summit on November 4 from 1-3 pm Eastern.  This was a great presentation last year and you would likely find it helpful with your work as a board member for NAVPLG and for any of your local associations, such as DOVIA, where you may also be part of the leadership team.  There is no charge to attend.  Click here for the link.





2022 AmeriCorps State Funding Opportunity

California Volunteers, Office of the Governor is the State Service Commission for California and is now accepting applications for 2022-2023 AmeriCorps State Funding. Successful applicants receive federal funds and an allotment of full-time or part-time AmeriCorps member positions to help address community problems through service and volunteer action. Multiple TA sessions available.

Deadline: Monday, November 8 | 5 pm


Request for Committee Members - NACo Volunteer Toolbox Revision

Miranda Morvay is requesting a committee be formed to help support NACo in revising the Volunteer Toolbox that was created with NAVPLG in 2012.  Here's a link to the document: 


If you would like to be a part of the committee working to revise this important resource, please contact Miranda:

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in the Workplace Certificate Program

Three power players in the Tampa Bay business community joined together in the spring of 2021 to educate business and community leaders on the essential practices and tools designed to increase employee diversity and to create a business model that embraces equity and inclusion. 
The University of South Florida Muma College of Business offered a free, seven-week certificate program, sponsored by the Tampa Bay Lightning and Jabil, that focused on ways organizations can create a more diverse workplace as well as address equity issues and foster inclusivity. More than 135,000 people registered for the program and more than 63,000 earned the certificate and badge after successfully completing the seven-week program.
The Muma College of Business will offer the certificate program again starting in September 2021 using the content recorded during the initial session. While the content will remain available free of charge, a modest fee ($99) is required to earn the digital Credly certificate and badge, which will be awarded after participants pass all seven quizzes. 
The digital certificate and Credly badge can be displayed on LinkedIn. The certificate program also qualifies for 1.4 CEUs from the university.