NAVPLG | Winter 2021

2020-2021 NAVPLG Board of Directors

Kandy LeMoine
Past President:
Yolanda R. Prince
Treasurer/Finance Committee Chair:
Tibby Larson
Jody Cook
Melissa A. Heinlein, PhD, CAVS
Wendy Stebbins, MPH

Membership Chair:
Jeannine Deem Purdy
Awards Chair:
Leigh Kottwitz
Education Chair:
Deirdre Araujo
E-Newsletter Chair:
Melissa A. Heinlein, PhD, CAVS
Marketing and Technology Chair:
Roxanne Flores-Achmad
Nomination Chair:
Karen Sykes, MPA
Committees Associate: 
Mary Lynn Perry, MA

New NAVPLG Facebook Page

Thanks to Marketing & Technology Chair, Roxanne Flores-Achmad, for creating NAVPLG’s new Facebook page. The page can be found at National Association of Volunteer Programs in Local Government | Facebook.

From the President

Kandy LeMoine, CVA

The NAVPLG Board of Directors have authorized COVID-19 Relief in the form of free 2021 memberships to all members. We are thankful for the support of members who have paid to renew their 2021 memberships prior to this notice and will extend those memberships through 2022 as COVID-19 Relief.
NAVPLG recognizes the difficulty many local government entities are facing during this pandemic. If your organization is struggling to fund a NAVPLG membership, we invite you to renew or join for FREE by March 1, 2021, by contacting NAVPLG at and/or

If your organization can fund a membership, we invite you to support NAVPLG with a paid membership by going to NAVPLG and selecting the appropriate category from the membership menu.
Volunteers are an essential part of the work of our country and together we applaud all the volunteers and volunteer managers who serve to keep all levels of government functioning in these unprecedented times due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Thank you for your service to others. 

NAVPLG Invites Nominations for 2021 Awards

Leigh Kottwitz, CVA, NAVPLG Awards Chair

The National Association of Volunteer Programs in Local Government (NAVPLG) is currently accepting nominations for our 2021 awards. This is a great way to bring recognition to volunteer programs and managers of volunteers who work in local government. Membership in NAVPLG is required to be nominated for all awards other than the Award of Merit. The deadline for nominations is May 1, 2021 and the nomination forms and other details on the awards are available at

Nominations are currently open for five awards to be given by NAVPLG:

The Outstanding Volunteer Administrator will be recognized for a number of qualities including their effective use of leadership skills, creative utilization of people, resources and opportunities, a strong sense of professional ethics, and an ability to mentor youth and/or peers

The Innovative Program Award honors the outstanding achievements of a local government program in their creation and implementation of a program/service, which utilizes volunteers to creatively serve both their local government and their community.

The Outstanding New Volunteer Administrator Award will be given to someone who has been in their position serving local government for three years or less. 

Award of Merit will be presented to a deserving volunteer administrator or program at the discretion of the NAVPLG board. Membership in NAVPLG is not required to be nominated for this award.

Rising to Excellence Award: This is a special award that will be given by NAVPLG in 2021 to recognize a local volunteer program for outstanding response to COVID-19. Nominees must be NAVPLG members. Examples of work that would qualify for the Rising to Excellence Award may include altering or adding volunteer positions and activities because of COVID-19 or responding to community needs as a result of the pandemic through volunteer engagement.

The awards will be presented June 23, 2021 during NAVPLG’s annual meeting. Award recipients will receive a plaque and a membership in NAVPLG for the coming year, along with the pride of recognition by his or her peers. Self-nominations will be accepted.

To learn more, contact Leigh Kottwitz, CVA, NAVPLG Awards Chair, at 573-874-7504 or e-mail

NAVPLG Welcomes Board Nominations

NAVPLG welcomes members to serve on the board of directors. If you are interested in serving, please complete the Board Nomination Form.
Current open positions include:
  • President Elect
  • Secretary
  • E-Newsletter Chair
  • Social Media Chair
  • NACo Liaison
June 2021 open positions will include:
  • President
  • Treasurer
It has been a rewarding experience to serve as President for the NAVPLG Board of Directors and I look forward to serving as past president when my term ends in June 2021. Please accept this as my personal invitation to members to join the NAVPLG Board of Directors. Thank you for your membership!
Kandy LeMoine, CVA
NAVPLG President

NAVPLG Annual Meeting 2021

With the expectation of COVID-19 social distancing guidelines lasting beyond June 2021, NAVPLG will host its annual meeting and education session on Zoom on June 23, 2021. Keep an eye out for announcements in upcoming newsletters for more information. 


Membership Certificate

Members can proudly display their NAVPLG membership.  Membership certificate printing is available through Member Only Access on the NAVPLG website.  To print your certificate, click on the Membership Certificates link under Member Information.  Right click on the image and save image as to save to your computer.  We hope you will proudly enjoy displaying your organization's membership with NAVPLG.

Goodbye 2020, Welcome 2021

Melissa A. Heinlein, PhD, CAVS, Newsletter Chair

It is often with a heavy heart that we say good-bye to one year as we watch the ball drop at the stroke of midnight. But for many of us, there was a sigh of relief to see the year 2020 be a memory in a rear view mirror. 

As so many of us had to pivot quickly to change how volunteer engagement was going to look like in our organizations, we do need to take time to reflect on what you were able to accomplish, what could not be done (and this is OK), and what you are looking forward to in the year 2021. Many volunteer engagement leaders are taking time for increasing professional development opportunities through webinars, revising and updating policies, connecting in creative ways to their volunteers, and looking strategically towards what the future may hold for this new year. I give you permission to breathe...take a deep breath and hold it to the count of four. Release and repeat.  These are challenging times no doubt but as volunteer engagement leaders we do have the capacity to think creatively, to bridge the gaps that exist through volunteers, and to be seen as the leader your organization knows you are. 

What are your goals for 2021 in volunteer engagement?  Will your volunteers be vaccinated to make their grand entrance return? Will you let another year pass without recognizing volunteers during volunteer week?  Put on those thinking caps I know you have. Reach out to your volunteers.  The sky is the limit...don't stop yourself because someone is telling you no.

Professional Development

International Association for Volunteer Effort

Volunteer Match

Engage Journal

Energize, Inc:

Ellis Archives
NAVPLG, 2016 - NAVPLG | Winter 2021