Summer 2020 Newsletter

2020-2021 NAVPLG Board of Directors

President: Kandy LeMoine
Past President:  Yolanda R. Prince
Treasurer/Finance Committee Chair:  Tibby Larson

Awards Chair: Leigh Kottwitz
Education Chair:  Deirdre Araujo
E-Newsletter Chair:  Melissa A. Heinlein, PhD, CAVS
Marketing and Technology Chair: Roxanne Flores-Achmad
Nomination Chair: Karen Sykes, MPA
Committees Associate:  Mary Lynn Perry, MA

Jody Cook
Melissa A. Heinlein, PhD, CAVS
Wendy Stibbins, MPH

Open Positions
President Elect: OPEN
Secretary: OPEN
Membership Chair: OPEN
NACo Liaison: OPEN
Social Media Chair: OPEN

If a member is interested in serving on the board please contact Kandy LeMoine, CVA, or call:  (505) 599-1421.

Membership Renewal

Tibby Larson, Treasurer

It's time to renew your membership!  Our NAVPLG membership coincides with the calendar year.  To renew your membership, go to, log-in to the members area, and look for the link to pay dues under 'My Membership.' It is important to renew so you don't miss the next newsletter, program updates and training/networking opportunities!

Educational Opportunities for Volunteer Managers

Deirdre Araujo, Education Chair

Volunteer Match
AL!VE: Communities of Practice

Online Resources
Energize Inc.
Texas A&M Extension

Find us on Social Media


President's Message

Thank you NAVPLG Members for your support of community and our mission. Thank you NAVPLG Board of Directors for service and leadership. We are pleased to introduce new board members in upcoming issues. New board of director members answered two questions for me: What inspired you to serve on the board, and what do you enjoy most about service? Here are their answers.

Member-at-Large: Melissa A. Heinlein, PhD, CAVS, Chief, Voluntary Service, Corporal Michael J. Crescenz Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Philadelphia, PA
  • I have worked in a federal government agency for 15 ½ years and always with volunteer engagement. And I have worked with volunteers for 25 years. Eyeing NAVPLG from a distance for the last several years, reading the newsletter, browsing the website, and with transitioning off other professional boards, I thought perhaps it was time to see how I can support NAVPLG and its mission.
  • I think I was always meant to be in public service. From a young age, I was always volunteering and giving back. While I had other ideas about what I wanted to do after college, I was somehow drawn to the field of volunteer engagement. After different jobs in nonprofits, I made my way into healthcare volunteerism and ultimately to where I am now with the Department of Veterans Affairs. I love being able to work with the best part of people – their hearts. I love knowing I have leadership support to be creative, innovative, and flexible in my position to support our staff, Veterans, and volunteers. It’s a lifelong journey and one that I am proud to be a part of.
Member-at-Large: Wendy L. Stebbins, MPH, Volunteer Center Coordinator, Dept. of Housing and Human Concerns, County of Maui, HI
  • What inspired me to serve on the board of directors was to learn about and help grow capacity for volunteer programs in city/county governments as well as meet like-minded individuals!
  • What I most enjoy about service work is getting out of my self and helping others. Nothing feels better than either learning what people need to accomplish their goals and having experience to share with them or simply putting a smile on someone’s face!
Nomination Chair: Karen Sykes, M.P.A., Park Ranger/Volunteer Program Coordinator, Leave No Trace Master Educator, City of Little Rock, AR
  • I have worked with volunteers for over 15 years and love helping people. I want to help build a stronger volunteer community across America while learning from and being inspired by my peers.
  • I love the journey and the results of bringing people together to build a community that creates and enhances the quality of life.
Each of NAVPLG’s outgoing board members deserve accolades of honor for their merit and service. They answered two questions: How many years have you served on the board, and what are you moving on to accomplish or enjoy?
Member-at-Large: Kari Middleton, Respite & Companion Volunteer Coordinator, Boulder County Area Agency on Aging, Community Services Dept., County of Boulder, CO
  • I served two years as NAVPLG Member-at-Large.
  • In addition to continuing to assist with the coordination of medical volunteers as part of Boulder County’s COVID-19 response, I am modifying and developing the county’s existing Respite & Companion Volunteer Program for the new reality. I also lead Boulder County Area Agency on Aging efforts in reframing aging, a communications project to combat prejudice and discrimination against people based on age (ageism). Unfortunately, such prejudice and discrimination have frequently been on full display during the pandemic, so there is much work to do to foster a more just environment for everyone, regardless of age.
E-Newsletter Chair: Mary Lynn Perry, M.A., (Retired) Volunteer Engagement Specialist, City of Sacramento, CA
  • I served two years as NAVPLG E-Newsletter Chair and am currently serving on the DOVIA Sacramento board as Education Chair, and Vice President of the Sacramento Region Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster (VOAD). I remain an active member of NAVPLG by serving as Committee Associate and am helping transition the E-Newsletter to Member-at-Large Melissa A. Heinlein as well as assisting Education Chair Deirdre Araujo with developing enrichment sessions on virtual platforms for NAVPLG members
  • Since retiring the end of June, I am enjoying having more time to pursue my personal interests such as yoga, meditation, Qi Gong, writing, exercising, singing, learning and performing hula, visiting with grandchildren, camping and traveling (when restrictions are lifted). Here is a link to one of the songs we've been working on with the All Voices Choral Project - Resilience: 
Social Media Chair: Lori Geres, Volunteer Service Coordinator, Portland’5 Centers for the Arts, Portland, OR
  • I served one year as NAVPLG Social Media Chair. I worked at Portland’5 Centers for the Arts for 1 ½ years before COVID hit in March 2020
  • Unfortunately all of our performing venues will be shuttered until at least January 2021. Oregon (the Portland Metro) is still under the phase 1 quarantine, meaning that groups of 10 or less are allowed to gather. All of our performing arts companies along with the Oregon Symphony have cancelled their 2020 performances. We won’t be called back to work until 2021. I loved my job and all of our volunteers, so I definitely want to return when restrictions are lifted.

While COVID-19 connects the world, please be inspired to turn this opportunity into hope and resilience for amazing service. Individually and collectively we are responding by helping our local communities, families, friends, coworkers, and dear beings the world over. Believe we live in promise by viewing each other through eyes of compassion.
Please share your stories with NAVPLG as it relates to volunteer programs and volunteer coordinators. How are you, your community, and volunteers responding to COVID-19? Please share your narratives with Member-at-Large Melissa A. Heinlein as she is stepping up to publish the NAVPLG E-Newsletter. Share with Melissa at
Please be safe, well, peaceful, happy, and resilient. Thank you for your service!

Kandy LeMoine, CVA
NAVPLG President (2018-2021)
Mayor’s Volunteer Partners
Volunteer Program Manager
City of Farmington Human Resources

Inspirational Video

Check out one of our Member's (Mary Lynn Perry) All Voices Choir Project video called "Resilience"

Professional Development During COVID-19

Deirdre Araujo, Education Chair

I attended a number of webinars this summer.  But the one I feel is most relevant was Finding Joy in Tough Times hosted by VolunteerNow and the Texas Volunteer Management Conference.  The presenter was Stevie Dawn Carter, Ph.D., CEO, Stevie Dawn Inspires. The key takeaways from this session that I wanted to share with our NAVPLG members:
  • Use positive questioning - in lieu of focusing on the downsides, what would the best possible outcome be? Start there.
  • Adjust communications - We’re all in the same storm but we’re NOT in the same boat.
  • Pay attention to the personal space where you work. Is it messy, chaotic, disorganized?
  • How does that affect your outlook?  Arrange for daily joy.
Susan J. Ellis Foundation Announces the Ellis Archives
The Susan J. Ellis Foundation announced this summer the release of the Ellis Archives on the Professional Leadership of Volunteers.  This is a free archive with hundreds of articles, program materials, booklets, speeches, reports, and more that have been digitized.  Check it out!  Click here.

Deirdre Arajuo, will clarify an announcement about upcoming NAVPLG educational enrichment sessions for the membership on Zoom. Tentative dates and times via Zoom will be: September 16, 2020, December 16, 2020, and March 17, 2021. 

Education enrichment session planned on Zoom for Wednesday, September 16 with presenters: Corina Sadler, Nancy Olsen, and Wendy Stebbins
  • Session Time Frame: HST – 8:00 AM, PT – 11:00 AM, MT – 12:00 PM, CT – 1:00 PM, ET – 2:00 PM


Facebook? Snapchat? Instagram? OH MY!

NAVPLG LOST FACEBOOK. Or did Facebook lose NAVPLG? NAVPLG wishes to have administrator status restored. Please e-mail if you have answers or suggestions about how to restore the NAVPLG Facebook site.



VolunteerMatch Learning Center


Not sure what to do for professional development during COVID-19?  Check out VolunteerMatch's Nonprofit Learning Center for FREE webinars supporting seasoned volunteer engagement leaders to those just starting out. Click here

Recognizing Exceptional Volunteers | George H.W. Bush Points of Light Awards Celebration

There is a special opportunity to honor and recognize volunteers and outstanding community members who inspire you as a special part of our upcoming George H.W. Bush Points of Light Awards Celebration on Sept. 26, 2020. 

This year’s awards celebration will transition from a traditional seated awards dinner to a livestream experience. We are reminded that in times of disaster, President Bush never hesitated to lead in bringing people from adversity to recovery. This is no less true for the points of light in communities around the world who continue to demonstrate the transformative power of the human spirit through acts of solidarity, generosity and kindness during these unprecedented times.

The deadline to submit your nomination is August 31, 2020, and you are welcome to submit more than one. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to Points of Light.


Membership Call to Action

Karen Sykes, MPA, NAVPLG Nomination Chair

On social media, we wish to highlight all of our wonderful members and why you joined NAVPLG.  We would love for you to record a 10-20 second video of yourself using your cell phone.  

Tell us your name, title, location, and why you joined and/or the benefits you have received. Show off your City! Have fun with it and make it your own!

Email videos to NAVPG Nomination Chair, Karen Sykes, or Please e-mail me for a potential script and/or if you have questions.

Sample script:
“Hello from Little Rock, Arkansas.  My name is Karen Sykes and I am the Volunteer Programs Coordinator for the City and the Nomination Chair for NAVPLG.  I love to learn and meet new people; so I joined the board to learn best practices from my peers.  If you are ready to take your career to the next level, we can help.  For more information go to,"

Newsletter Submission Deadlines

Interested in submitting an article? Do you have something interesting to share?  A best practice? Professional development idea?  Keep these deadlines in mind:
  • Fall 2020: October 5, 2020
  • Winter 2021: January 4, 2021
  • Spring 2021: April 5, 2021
  • Summer 2021: July 5, 2021
NAVPLG, 2016 - Summer 2020 Newsletter