Sping 2020 Newsletter

2019-2020 NAVPLG Board of Directors

President: Kandy LeMoine
Past President:  Yolanda R. Prince
Treasurer/Finance Committee Chair:  Tibby Larson
Awards Chair: Leigh Kottwitz
Education Chair:  Deirdre Araujo
E-Newsletter Chair:  Mary Lynn Perry
Marketing and Technology Chair: Roxanne Flores-Achmad; Kathy Halstead, CVA , Committee Member
Social Media Chair: Lori Geres
Jody Cook, Kari Middleton
Open  Positions:
President Elect
Membership Chair
Nominating Chair
NACo Liaison

If a member is interested in serving on the board please contact Kandy LeMoine, CVA, klemoine@fmtn.org or call:  (505) 599-1421.

Membership Renewal

Tibby Larson, Treasurer

It's time to renew your membership!  Our NAVPLG membership coincides with the calendar year.  To renew your membership, go to navplg.org, log-in to the members area, and look for the link to pay dues under 'My Membership.' It is important to renew so you don't miss the next newsletter, program updates and training/networking opportunities!

Educational Opportunities for Volunteer Managers

Deirdre Araujo, Education Chair

Volunteer Match
AL!VE: Communities of Practice

AL!VE: Online Resources
Energize Inc.
Texas A&M Extension

Find us on Social Media

Lori Geres


President's Message

Kandy LeMoine, CVA

President's Message



Thank you NAVPLG Members for your support of community and our mission. Thank you NAVPLG Board of Directors for service and guidance. While COVID-19 connects the world, please be inspired to turn this opportunity for amazing service into hope. Individually and collectively we are responding by helping our local communities, families, friends, coworkers, and dear beings the world over. Believe we live in promise by viewing each other through eyes of compassion. May reciting the following Metta Prayer for World Healing by Kyiahshekanna bring blessings to all beings.


May all beings have fresh clean water to drink.

May all beings have food to eat.

May all beings have a home.

May all beings have someone to share love with.

May all beings know their true purpose.

May all beings be well and happy.

May all beings be free from suffering.

Today I shall do what I can, to make this so.


Please share your stories with NAVPLG on how you and your community are pivoting and responding to COVID-19. I look forward to hearing from you at president@navplg.org. I share a couple of LeMoineisms: 1) Negative things happen for a positive purpose. 2) There are silver linings everywhere. AJ Akua Johnson said in a Frontline webinar by VolunteerMatch on Friday, April 24, “The universe has thrown the schedule away. This is now a world of service.”


Please be safe, well, peaceful, and happy. Thank you for your service!

Blessings to you and yours,

Kandy LeMoine, CVA
Mayor’s Volunteer Partners
Volunteer Program Manager
City of Farmington Human Resources
NAVPLG President (2018-2020)

Save the Date!

NAVPLG Annual Meeting 

NAVPLG will hold it's annual meeting virtually on June 24th at PT – 11:00 PM   ●   MT – 12:00 PM   ●   CT – 1:00 PM   ●   ET – 2:00 PM.  More information and a link to join the meeting will be sent in June.

NAVPLG Awards Suspended for 2020

Leigh Kottwitz, CVA

The NAVPLG Board of Directors has "pressed pause" on our awards for this year.  With Points of Light going online this year, and so many of us in the midst of challenges and change, we know that making award nominations would be difficult for our members and others making nominations. We are going to conserve our energy in the hopes of returning in 2021 with renewed energy toward honoring excellence in our profession.  Thank you for your understanding. 

To learn more, contact Leigh Kottwitz, CVA, NAVPLG Awards Chair, at 573-874-7504 or e-mail Leigh.Kottwitz@CoMo.gov

Volunteer Management Survey and Virtual Conferences

Deirdre Araujo, Education Chair

Volunteer Management Survey

David Thorne, a Bowling Green State University doctoral student, is conducting a study to better understand the challenges facing volunteer administrators, along with common management practices. This study will update the original research by Dr. Hager and Dr. Brudney. You can read their original report HERE

Please consider completing this important survey. It should only take about 10-15 minutes to complete and your insights are valuable in order to better understand volunteer administrators. Deadline to complete the survey is May 31st.  Please share with other volunteer managers in your network.

Take the survey now!

If you have any questions, feel free to contact the primary investigator, David Thorne at dthorne@bgsu.edu

Minnesota Association for Volunteer Administration Conference

Minnesota Association for Volunteer Administration (MAVA) will hold their virtual volunteer engagement leadership conference June 3-5, 2020. Participants in this unique conference will obtain new tools, resources, and inspiration to tackle current volunteer engagement challenges and will be equipped to effect change by the exchange of innovative best practices and ideas that foster effective professional development and networking for leaders who engage volunteers. The cost varies but is $275 for non-members of the association for the virtual June conference.  For information on the workshop line-up, visit here.  For registration, visit MAVA.

Points of Light Conference

The 2020 Points of Light Conference Online Experience, which will open on Wednesday, June 10 with three keynote presentations focused on a new relevancy for civic engagement and organizational readiness in a post-COVID-19 world. On the following days, June 11-12, a series of workshops will be offered with ways to engage with presenters and each other. All of this content will live beyond the conference on a new on-demand platform for knowledge sharing and community building as an ongoing and dynamic community for the sector.  The conference this year will be free.  To register, please visit:

Social Media Request

Kandy LeMoine, CVA


Or did Facebook lose NAVPLG?

Who knows? Really who knows?

This is a plea for help with Facebook.

NAVPLG wishes to have administrator status restored.

And no one knows.

Do you?

Please email president@navplg.org, if you have answers or suggestions about how to restore the NAVPLG FACEBOOK site.

Thank you.


Free E-guide: Citywide Volunteer Engagement

Corina Sadler, CVA

VQ Volunteer Strategies has partnered with Offero to develop a new, free and downloadable guide designed to help government leaders (particularly leaders on city and county levels) build a case for a citywide engagement strategy. The guide was developed in response to inquiries and feedback that both parties have received as a leader in developing technologies to support municipal/county engagement.
NAVPLG board members Mary Lynn Perry (City of Sacramento, California) and Corina Sadler (City of Plano, Texas) are both featured in this guide.

To download your copy of the guide, visit Offero's website.  

Thank you to both Volunteer Strategies and Offero for making this resource available and for including NAVPLG as a partner.
NAVPLG, 2016 - Sping 2020 Newsletter