Winter 2020 Newsletter

2019-2020 NAVPLG Board of Directors

President: Kandy LeMoine
Past President:  Yolanda R. Prince
Treasurer/Finance Committee Chair:  Tibby Larson
Awards Chair: Leigh Kottwitz
Education Chair:  Deirdre Araujo
E-Newsletter Chair:  Mary Lynn Perry
Marketing and Technology Chair: Roxanne Flores-Achmad; Kathy Halstead, CVA , Committee Member
Social Media Chair: Lori Geres
Jody Cook, Kari Middleton, Christine Stansfield
Open  Positions:
President Elect
Membership Chair
Nominating Chair
NACo Liaison

If a member is interested in serving on the board please contact Kandy LeMoine, CVA, or call:  (505) 599-1421.

Membership Renewal

Tibby Larson, Treasurer

It's time to renew your membership!  Our NAVPLG membership coincides with the calendar year.  To renew your membership, go to, log-in to the members area, and look for the link to pay dues under 'My Membership.' It is important to renew so you don't miss the next newsletter, program updates and training/networking opportunities!

Educational Opportunities for Volunteer Managers

Deirdre Araujo, Education Chair

Volunteer Match
AL!VE: Communities of Practice

AL!VE: Online Resources
Energize Inc.
Texas A&M Extension

Find us on Social Media

Lori Geres


President's Message

Kandy LeMoine, CVA


Thank you NAVPLG Members for your support of community and our mission overtime. Thank you NAVPLG Board of Directors for service and guidance. As we look forward to the new decade, let us be mindful of our personal merit and influence in the world. May everyone be blessed with superpowers to accomplish heroic deeds in our communities.

What are you looking forward to in 2020? I am prepared for Martin Luther King Jr. (MLK) Day of Service on January 20. My community will celebrate the 3rd annual Four Corners MLK Day of Service with a breakfast gathering and nondenominational prayer service before dispersing to complete projects around the county. I am also establishing the 1st annual Mayor’s Volunteer Partners Works of Heart Volunteer Fair to be hosted at San Juan College on January 30, and the 23rd annual Works of Heart—Kindness Volunteer Appreciation Awards banquet sponsored by the City of Farmington on February 27.
This is my 2nd year as president of NAVPLG and 3rd year as a member. It is also my 2nd year as City of Farmington (COF) Volunteer Program Manager, and my 26th year as a COF employee. I am thankful for NAVPLG, my community, nation, and world. May we continue to sustain each other beyond measure.
I’m looking forward to 2020, and I hope to see many of you at NAVPLG’s Annual Meeting & Session at the Points of Light Conference in Washington, D.C., June 10-12. Our meeting will be held there on Monday, June 10 from 9:00-10:15 a.m. Please take advantage of the extended early-bird registration by January 17 at the following path: .

Blessings to you and yours,

Kandy LeMoine, CVA
Mayor’s Volunteer Partners
Volunteer Program Manager
City of Farmington Human Resources
NAVPLG President (2018-2020)

NAVPLG Invites Nominations for 2020 Awards

Leigh Kottwitz, CVA

NAVPLG – the National Association of Volunteer Programs in Local Government – is currently accepting nominations for our 2020 awards.  This is a great way to bring recognition to volunteer programs and managers of volunteers who work in local government.       
      Nominations are currently open for four awards to be given by NAVPLG :
  • The Outstanding Volunteer Administrator will be recognized for a number of qualities including their effective use of leadership skills, creative utilization of people, resources and opportunities, a strong sense of professional ethics, and an ability to mentor youth and/or peers
  • The Innovative Program Award honors the outstanding achievements of a local government program in their creation and implementation of a program/service, which utilizes volunteers to creatively serve both their local government and their community.
  • The Outstanding New Volunteer Administrator Award will be given to someone who has been in their position serving local government for three years or less. 
  • Award of Merit will be presented to a deserving volunteer administrator or program at the discretion of the NAVPLG board.  Membership in NAVPLG is not required to be nominated for this award.
      The awards will be presented in Washington, DC at the Points of Light Conference, June 10-12. Winners will receive a plaque and a membership in NAVPLG for the coming year, along with the pride of recognition by his or her peers.
      Self-nominations will be accepted. Membership in NAVPLG is required to be nominated for all awards other than the Award of Merit.  The deadline for nominations is April 15 and the nomination forms and other details on the awards are available at
      To learn more, contact Leigh Kottwitz, CVA, NAVPLG Awards Chair, at 573-874-7504 or e-mail

What’s on your reading list for 2020?

Deirdre Araujo, Education Chair

With the new decade, I’ve recommitted to practices that will move us toward a more just and inclusive society. I’m grateful to our local libraries for providing the following essential resources in so many accessible formats. 
Looking back, I remember when I first heard the terms “White Fragility” and “virtue signaling” and how my lenses shifted after attending an exhibition focused on Intersectionality. The most resonant refrain was that the responsibility for educating folks about disparity and the impact of “Othering” should not fall to those who have been excluded. It rests firmly on the shoulders of those of us who have benefited, systemically, from these flawed practices. Finding resources, informing ourselves, and changing our behaviors are key to affecting positive change. 

As a white, cis-gendered, neuro-typical woman, I’ve stumbled - repeatedly. Yes, shame and regret are part of the process, and the goal is to keep moving forward with an open heart and mind. 
Here are some resources that have been particularly helpful heading in to 2020 —and all are available online and through your local library. 

Race Forward

Center for Othering and Belonging

Centre for Global Inclusion


So you want to talk about race?
How to be an anti-racist.

Code Switch from npr

New York Times Still Processing


Meet Lori Geres, Social Media Chair


Lori Geres comes to NAVPLG from the Portland’5 Center for the Arts in Portland, Oregon where she is responsible for over 500 volunteers working in the performing arts complex of 3 theaters, a concert hall and an auditorium.   Lori has worked in volunteer management for over 25 years, in both Oregon and Colorado. She has worked with small local nonprofits, international non-governmental organizations and national nonprofit service agencies.   “The greatest joy in my career has been working with individual volunteers” she said “I have had the good fortune to work with wonderful, interesting people who are focused on making the world a better place.” 
A native Oregonian, Lori makes her home in Portland with her adult son and a house full of animals.  She loves being close to the ocean and the mountains, tolerates the rain and dreams of the tropics.  She loves social media as it has the ability to link the world in uplifting ways. Two platforms (personal and professional) that are her favorites include Twitter, she follows the adventures of 5 golden retrievers in Key West, the upcoming lambing season in Ireland, the haunts of an academic cat in Warwick, England and the stark beauty of winter in Siberia.  LinkedIn is a wonderful tool centered on building community with like-minded professionals. Connections, leads and resources are all shared in LinkedIn, and serves as a great way to expand capacity for organizations.

Free E-guide: Citywide Volunteer Engagement

Corina Sadler, CVA

VQ Volunteer Strategies has partnered with Offero to develop a new, free and downloadable guide designed to help government leaders (particularly leaders on city and county levels) build a case for a citywide engagement strategy. The guide was developed in response to inquiries and feedback that both parties have received as a leader in developing technologies to support municipal/county engagement.
NAVPLG board members Mary Lynn Perry (City of Sacramento, California) and Corina Sadler (City of Plano, Texas) are both featured in this guide.

To download your copy of the guide, visit Offero's website.  

Thank you to both Volunteer Strategies and Offero for making this resource available and for including NAVPLG as a partner.
NAVPLG, 2016 - Winter 2020 Newsletter