Summer 2019 Newsletter

2019-2020 NAVPLG Board of Directors

President: Kandy LeMoine
Past President:  Yolanda R. Prince
Treasurer/Finance Committee Chair:  Tibby Larson
Awards Chair: Leigh Kottwitz
Education:  Deirdre Araujo, Committee Member
E-Newsletter Chair:  Mary Lynn Perry
Marketing and Technology Chair: Roxanne Flores-Achmad; Kathy Halstead, CVA , Committee Member
Social Media Chair: Lori Geres
Jody Cook, Kari Middleton, Christine Stansfield
Open  Positions:
President Elect
Membership Chair
Education Chair
Nominating Chair
NACo Liaison

If a member is interested in serving on the board please contact Kandy LeMoine, CVA, or call:  (505) 599-1421.

Find us on Social Media

Lori Geres


NAVPLG Awards 2019

Leigh Kottwitz, CVA

The NAVPLG Awards program is an excellent way for our members and their programs to receive recognition at the national level and raise awareness for the work we do to support local government with the power of volunteers. The awards were presented at the NAVPLG annual meeting which took place at the Points of Light conference, June 18, 2019 in St. Paul, Minnesota. Congratulations to this year's winners:
  1. New Volunteer Administrator Award - presented to Meghan Delaney, VolunteerNow, Dallas, Texas.​
  2. Outstanding Volunteer Administrator Award - presented to Christine Stansfield with Sno-Isle Libraries, Snohomish and Island Counties, Washington.
  3. Innovative Program Award - presented to City of Dublin, Ohio for their Alexa Pilot Project.
Membership in NAVPLG is required to be nominated for all awards other than the Award of Merit.  To learn more, contact Leigh Kottwitz, CVA, NAVPLG Awards Chair, at 573-874-7504 or email:  

More photos available here.

Check the NAVPLG website for more details and plan to apply next year:


Kandy LeMoine, CVA

The National Association of Volunteer Programs in Local Government (NAVPLG) is seeking member participation to complete a SOAR Analysis. Strengths, Opportunities, Aspirations, Results (SOAR) analysis is a strategic planning tool that focuses an organization on its current strengths and vision of the future for developing its strategic goals (description from the American Society of Quality). The basic questions to be answered are:
  1. What are our greatest strengths? What makes us proud?
  2. What are our best opportunities? How do we make sense of the opportunities in our environment?
  3. What is our preferred future? What do we care deeply about?
  4. What are the measurable results that will tell us we’ve achieved our vision of the future? How do we know we are succeeding?
Representatives from all levels of the organization are welcome to shape the destiny of NAVPLG for the good fortune of volunteerism in municipalities and counties across the nation.
Please respond: SOAR WITH NAVPLG to President Kandy LeMoine, CVA, at or (505) 599-1421, or

National Conference on Volunteering and Service NAVPLG Session

Mary Lynn Perry

Panelists with Board President: (left to right) MaryLou Randolph, Mary Lynn Perry, Kandy LeMoine, Corina Sadler.

The annual meeting for The National Association of Volunteer Programs in Local Government (NAVPLG) was held on June 18th at the Points of Light conference in St. Paul, MN.  During the educational portion of this session panelists discussed building staff relations for your volunteer program, using a civic leadership program to cultivate volunteer leaders and lessons learned in emergency volunteer center management from the California wildfires.  Attendees heard examples of excellent volunteer programs in local government, had an opportunity to network with those who work in this sector, and discussed challenges and opportunities common to city and county government.  Next year's conference and NAVPLG session will be held in Washington, DC. More info here.


Free E-guide: Citywide Volunteer Engagement

Corina Sadler, CVA

VQ Volunteer Strategies has partnered with Offero to develop a new, free and downloadable guide designed to help government leaders (particularly leaders on city and county levels) build a case for a citywide engagement strategy. The guide was developed in response to inquiries and feedback that both parties have received as a leader in developing technologies to support municipal/county engagement.
NAVPLG board members Mary Lynn Perry (City of Sacramento, California) and Corina Sadler (City of Plano, Texas) are both featured in this guide.

To download your copy of the guide, visit Offero's website.  

Thank you to both Volunteer Strategies and Offero for making this resource available and for including NAVPLG as a partner.
NAVPLG, 2016 - Summer 2019 Newsletter