Summer 2019 Newsletter

2018-2019 NAVPLG Board of Directors

President: Kandy LeMoine
Past President:  Yolanda R. Prince
Treasurer/Finance Committee Chair:  Tibby Larson
Secretary:  Lisa Miller
Awards Chair: Leigh Kottwitz
E-Newsletter Chair:  Mary Lynn Perry
Marketing and Technology: Roxanne Flores-Achmad
Nomination Chair:  Corina Sadler
Social Media Chair: Kim Yonda

Open  Positions:
President Elect
Membership Chair
Education Chair
NACo Liaison

If a member is interested in serving on the board please contact Corina Sadler, CVA:

President's Message

Kandy LeMoine, CVA

The National Association of Volunteer Programs in Local Government (NAVPLG) is seeking members for service leadership roles.  Becoming a component of the NAVPLG Board of Directors and Committee Chairs can enhance your brand in the workplace.  Imagine yourself as a national president – a mentor in the valuable sphere of volunteerism!  Picture yourself as an individual of support, inspiration, and innovation who helps the community of volunteer administrators and volunteers in local government achieve success nationwide.
NAVPLG leadership roles can bring prestige and vital information exchange to your organization and benefit your coworkers through networking with local government officials to strengthen the volunteer workforce and supplement the diverse programs that nourish and fortify our communities.
It is my benefit and pleasure to serve in my volunteer position as NAVPLG President. This role connects me with the champions of compassionate ingenuity who promote the civic integrity of the voluntary sector.  Like the fabric pieces of an intricate quilt, we are stitched together for a common purpose.  Board of directors, committee chairs, and members form close-knit, working relationships to magnify the social return on volunteer investment.
Enlighten your path today by stepping up and in to a national service role as NAVPLG President Elect, Membership Committee Chair, Education Committee Chair, or National Association of Counties (NACo) Liaison.  Please apply at the following path or contact Nominating Committee Chair, Corina Sadler, CVA, at or President, Kandy LeMoine, CVA, at  Your leadership is an investment in the future of volunteerism.
​Always trust your cape!

Kandy LeMoine, CVA
Mayor’s Volunteer Program
Volunteer Program Manager
City of Farmington Human Resources
NAVPLG President (2018-2019)

NAVPLG Awards Nominations Close May 1st!

Leigh Kottwitz

The NAVPLG Awards Nominations close soon! The deadline for nominations is May 1st! The NAVPLG Awards program is an excellent way for our members and their programs to receive recognition at the national level and raise awareness for the work we do to support local government with the power of volunteers. Here are the categories:
  1. Outstanding Volunteer Administrator Award - presented to a NAVPLG member, recognizing qualities that include effective use of leadership skills, creative utilization of people, resources and opportunities, a strong sense of professional ethics, and an ability to mentor youth and/or peers.
  2. New Volunteer Administrator Award - presented to a NAVPLG member who has been in their position serving local government for three years or less.
  3. Innovative Program Award - honors the outstanding achievements of a member's government program in the creation and implementation of a program/service which utilizes volunteers to creatively serve both their local government and community.
  4. Award of Merit - presented to a volunteer administrator or program at the discretion of the NAVPLG Board for their work in the field of volunteer administration. Membership is not required.
The awards will be presented in St. Paul, Minnesota at the Points of Light Conference, June 18-20.  Winners will receive a plaque and a membership in NAVPLG for the coming year,  
Self-nominations will be accepted.  Membership in NAVPLG is required to be nominated for all awards other than the Award of Merit.  To learn more, contact Leigh Kottwitz, CVA, NAVPLG Awards Chair, at 573-874-7504 or email:  

Check the NAVPLG website for more details and plan to apply:

National Conference on Volunteering and Service NAVPLG Session and Mixer

Leigh Kottwitz, CVA

Join the National Association of Volunteer Programs in Local Government (NAVPLG) for our annual meeting on Tuesday, June 18th at 1:30 pm.  During this session we will recognize outstanding volunteer managers and programs in city and county government and spend time discussing issues and challenges specific to this sector. Panelists will discuss building staff relations for your volunteer program, using a civic leadership program to cultivate volunteer leaders and lessons learned in emergency volunteer center management from the California wildfires.  Attendees will leave with examples of excellent volunteer programs in local government, have an opportunity to network with those who work in this sector, and discuss challenges and opportunities common to city and county government.  Register for the conference here.

You are also invited to attend a lively mixer with NAVPLG members the evening of Wednesday, June 19th at 6:30 pm.  Location will be announced at the NAVPLG  session.
NAVPLG, 2016 - Summer 2019 Newsletter