Winter Newsletter 2019

2018-2019 NAVPLG Board of Directors

President: Kandy LeMoine, CVA
Past President:  Yolanda Prince
President Elect:  Open
Secretary:  Lisa Miller
Treasurer/Finance Committee Chair:  Tibby Larson
Members at Large:  Jody Cook, Kari Middleton, Christine Stansfield

Committees Chairs:
Membership Chair:  Mollie Tobias
Awards Chair: Leigh Kottwitz, CVA
Education Chair:  Open
Marketing and Technology Chair: Roxanne Flores-Achmad
E-Newsletter Chair:  Mary Lynn Perry
Social Media Chair: Kim Yonda
Board Nomination Committee Chair:  Corina Sadler, CVA
NACo Liaison: Open

Committee Members:
Education Committee:  Deirdre Araujo
Marketing and Technology Committee:  Kathy Halstead, CVA

Open Positions:

President Elect
This position serves 1 year as elect and 1 year as president. Candidate must be paid member, demonstrate interest in the goals and objectives of the association and make a commitment to participate in all board meetings, serve on a committee and participate in activities whenever possible. Job description can be found here:


NACo Representative
Position serves 1 year to provide linkage between NACo and NAVPLG, holding memberships to both. Representative would liaise with NAVPLG president and NACo (staff) affiliate support in regards to ongoing activities, future plans and strategic opportunities. Also includes attending and/or supporting NACo conferences, trainings and other activities on behalf of NAVPLG when/where feasible and strategic.

Education Chair
This position works with the board to establish goals for membership related to their educational needs.

If you have questions about serving on the board please contact Corina Sadler, CVA:
To apply, visit:

Introducing Lisa Miller, Secretary, NAVPLG Board

Lisa Miller

Hello! My name is Lisa Miller and I am the Volunteer Services Coordinator for Marion County in Oregon. I've been in this role for about 3 ½ yrs, providing support to staff that recruit, train and supervise volunteers and interns placed in various county departments including the Sheriff’s Office, Dog Shelter, Emergency Management, Health Dept., Juvenile Dept., and many others. In total, we have 16 departments and 19 active advisory boards that could not do what they do without the help of our 1700+ volunteers every year.

Although I am relatively new in this role, I have been managing volunteers in various roles for at least 15 years. I started my career serving in the US Air Force as Security Police and went on to get a Bachelor’s Degree in Criminal Justice. Before starting with Volunteer Services at Marion County, I had been coordinating substance abuse prevention programs with local non-profits and Health and Human Services. In addition to serving as the secretary for NAVPLG, I also currently serve on the leadership team for Mid Valley Volunteer Managers Association (MVVMA), our local volunteer managers association.

On a personal note, my hubby and I are celebrating our 25th anniversary this year. We enjoy live music and attend as many rock concerts as possible. Our growing collection of t-shirt memorabilia will make the ultimate retirement quilt. We raised two strong and capable young women whom we are incredibly proud of. They've now been replaced with a rambunctious German Shepard who is pretty dang adorable.  In my spare time, I am an aspiring drummer and a licensed private investigator, volunteering with Operation Found Safe to help locate lost children.


NAVPLG Invites Nominations for 2019 Awards

Leigh Kottwitz

NAVPLG Award Winners 2018

NAVPLG – the National Association of Volunteer Programs in Local Government – is currently accepting nominations for our 2019 awards.  This is a great way to bring recognition to volunteer programs and managers of volunteers who work in local government.       

Nominations are currently open for four awards to be given by NAVPLG :

  • The Outstanding Volunteer Administrator will be recognized for a number of qualities including their effective use of leadership skills, creative utilization of people, resources and opportunities, a strong sense of professional ethics, and an ability to mentor youth and/or peers
  • The Innovative Program Award honors the outstanding achievements of a local government program in their creation and implementation of a program/service, which utilizes volunteers to creatively serve both their local government and their community.
  • The Outstanding New Volunteer Administrator Award will be given to someone who has been in their position serving local government for three years or less. 
  • Award of Merit will be presented to a deserving volunteer administrator or program at the discretion of the NAVPLG board.  Membership in NAVPLG is not required to be nominated for this award.      
The awards will be presented in St. Paul, Minnesota at the Points of Light Conference, June 18-20. Winners will receive a plaque and a membership in NAVPLG for the coming year, along with the pride of recognition by his or her peers.
Self-nominations will be accepted. Membership in NAVPLG is required to be nominated for all awards other than the Award of Merit.  The deadline for nominations is May 1 and the nomination forms and other details on the awards are available at
To learn more, contact Leigh Kottwitz, CVA, NAVPLG Awards Chair, at 573-874-7504 or e-mail

Join NAVPLG at Points of Light Conference

Kandy LeMoine

Join NAVPLG at the Points of Light National Conference on Volunteering & Service in St. Paul, Minnesota, June 18-20, 2019. The conference is the largest service-related convening of nonprofit, business and civic leaders in the world.

Volunteer Benchmark is Live and Free

Lindsey Rehder

If you joined the presentation at the NAVPLG session during Service Unites 2018 or the "Making Metrics Matter" webinar, you know Charlotte Norville, Volunteer Program Manager, and Lindsey Rehder, Chief Operating Officer with Squarei Technologies, both with the City of Fort Collins, CO, have been working diligently behind the scenes on the first-ever volunteer program benchmarking tool. They are excited to let you know that Volunteer Benchmark is now live and available to you for free.

Volunteer Benchmark gives you the ability to see how your volunteer program stacks up against organizations of similar sizes and scopes within the following categories:
·         Program Statistics
·         Return on Volunteer Investment (ROVI)
·         Economic Impact
·         Volunteer Engagement

Additionally, Volunteer Benchmark provides a platform to connect with and learn from our spotlight organization, the City of Fort Collins.
Learn more about Volunteer Benchmark and sign-up to start measuring your program today.

Lindsey Rehder
Chief Operating Officer - Offero VMS
Phone: (970) 377-0077
NAVPLG, 2016 - Winter Newsletter 2019