Spring 2018 Newsletter

2017-2018 NAVPLG Board of Directors

President: Yolanda Prince
Past President:  Kim Yonda
Treasurer/Finance Committee Chair:  Tibby Larson
Secretary:  Kandy LeMoine
Awards Chair: Leigh Kottwitz
Education Chair:  Jeri Bush
E-Newsletter Chair:  Mary Lynn Perry
Marketing and Technology: Roxanne Flores-Achmad
Membership Chair:  Mollie Tobias
Nomination Chair:  Corina Sadler
Social Media Chair: Kim Yonda
NACo Liaison: Milada Weaver
Vacant Positions:
President Elect

If a member is interested in serving on the board please contact Corina Sadler, CVA:


National Conference on Volunteering and Service NAVPLG Session

Mary Lynn Perry

Join NAVPLG members for an informative and lively session at the Points of Light, National Conference on Volunteering and Service in Atlanta on Monday, June 18th at 8:30 am. 

The session will include news from NAVPLG, elections, awards and a presentation by Charlotte Norville, Volunteer Program Manager with the City of Fort Collins, CO and Lindsey Rehder, Chief Operating Officer of Squarei Technologies.  The topic will be "Volunteer Survey Benchmarking," a must-do for programs seeking to grow and improve.  Here's what will be discussed:


It can be difficult to evaluate the success of your volunteer program, and even harder to actually report on these metrics.  Do you choose the number of hours, number of volunteers, one time volunteers or only ongoing, the average hours per volunteer, or the percentage of contributing volunteers to those you consider active within your program?  The choices are many.  There is not necessarily one way, but how helpful would it be if other organizations similar to yours had agreed on a set of benchmarks?


In this session, we will brainstorm and explore possible benchmarks together. We will review how the City of Fort Collins is measuring their volunteer engagement, and how it ties in with their journey of excellence, including winning the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award.  Lastly, we'll get a preview of the system that helps Fort Collins volunteer program managers pull these metrics with the push of a button. Learn how Fort Collins acquired and helped design an enterprise volunteer management system. Engage (Offero) handles activity registration, volunteer applications, scheduling, feedback, training, and reporting. How could technology elevate innovation and creativity in your organization?

Sign up today.  Early bird registration ends April 13thhttp://www.volunteeringandservice.org

Introducing Treasurer Tibby Larson


Tibby Larson has been the NAVPLG Treasurer/Finance Committee Chair since 2008.
She has been a professional volunteer manager for over 30 years at the YMCA, Girl Scouts of the USA and, most recently, 17 years for the City of Salem Parks.
Her passion is connecting citizens to their community through volunteerism. She enjoys seeing people engage in their neighborhood or city to make positive things happen. 
Tibby has a Bachelors degree in Education from Oregon State University.  In 2005 she was selected by Oregon Volunteers!, the Oregon Commission for Voluntary Action & Service to become a trainer for the Points of Light Volunteer Management curriculum.  Her team of three volunteer managers trained over 50 volunteer managers from organizations throughout the state.
Tibby and the Salem Parks staff have worked together to develop a successful volunteer program which utilizes over 150,000 volunteer hours each year. Many of the volunteer opportunities are episodic, including students from the local colleges and universities. Teams of gardeners, park safety patrol members, historic cemetery care workers and rose pruners are included in the balance of on-going volunteer positions.
She received the 2006 Excellence in Volunteer Management Award by NAVPLG and also by Mid-Valley Volunteer Managers Association (MVVMA). She was awarded the “Tibby Hard Hat Award” by the local HandsOn Volunteer Action Center in 2012.  In 2014 she received the Clover Legacy Award by MVVMA and in 2017 Volunteer Leader of the Year award by SOLVE, Stop Oregon Litter & Vandalism. 
Tibby Larson lives on a small hobby farm outside Salem with her husband, she loves to garden and read. 
“It is in the shelter of each other that the people live.” – Irish proverb



NAVPLG Awards Nominations Close April 16!

Leigh Kottwitz

The NAVPLG Awards Nominations close soon! The deadline for nominations is April 16.  The NAVPLG Awards program is an excellent way for our members and their programs to receive recognition at the national level and raise awareness for the work we do to support local government with the power of volunteers.  Categories include: Outstanding Volunteer Administrator Award, New Volunteer Administrator Award, Innovative Program Award and Award of Merit. Check the NAVPLG website for more details and plan to apply: http://www.navplg.org

Photos Needed for NAVPLG Social Media

Did you know that NAVPLG has active social media?  And we need your help!  Kim Yonda has been handling the social media platforms for NAVPLG and is requesting that members send her their photos of volunteers and volunteer events to share with the rest of the membership.  It's a great way to get additional exposure for your efforts!  Send photos to Kim at:  kim.yonda-lead@gilbertaz.gov
NAVPLG, 2016 - Spring 2018 Newsletter