Spring 2014

NAVPLG Award Nominations Due May 1

Lee Ann Harvey

NAVPLG is currently accepting nominations for our 2014 awards. This is a great way to bring recognition to volunteer programs and volunteer managers who work in local government.



Join the NAVPLG Leadership Team

Several positions will be open on the NAVPLG board this year. Help your professional organization grow stronger by volunteering to serve on the board. There will also be an opening for newsletter editor. Thank you to Barbara Dean for producing an exceptional newsletter for several years. Job descriptions and the self-nomination form are available on the NAVPLG  website.

NAVPLG Website Going Live

The NAVPLG website redesign took longer than anticipated. It is nearing completion and will go live in the next couple of weeks. Watch for the email announcement. Thank you to board member Anthony Richardson for designing the new logo.
The website will provide you with resources from other members. If you have a document that you have created or a link to share, please pass it along to Lee Ann Harvey or Anthony Richardson.  We have all had mentors throughout our career, now is the time to pay it forward by providing resources to your professional peer network.

City of Columbia (MO) Volunteer Program: part of the Meet the Board series

Leigh Britt

The City of Columbia, with a population of 108,000, sits in the center of Missouri and is home to the University of Missouri. Columbia is also home base for Shelter Insurance and has offices for State Farm and IBM as well as a number of other colleges.
In the 1990's, Columbia started a municipal volunteer program as part of its recycling and waste reduction efforts in the Public Works Department. The City started the Office of Volunteer Services to support volunteer efforts in all departments of the City in 1996.


Contributions from You

Barbara Dean, newsletter editor

We would like to keep the "Lessons Learned" column going as well as start a new series describing members' programs.  One of the best things we can do for each other is share our experiences.  The newsletter comes out quarterly, so you have plenty of time to think and write about what you want to share. 

Interested in participating?  Please email me at bdean@arlingtonva.us. 


National Conference on Volunteering & Service: Early Bird Registration Ends April 25

Lee Ann Harvey

Join NAVPLG at the National Conference on Volunteering and Service in Atlanta from June 16 to 18. You can save money by taking advantage of the Early Bird registration by April 25 and by signing up to volunteer when you register. We would love to have you join us at the NAVPLG Annual Meeting, awards, and panel discussion. Our session has been filling quickly, so be sure to sign up for:
(4841) Volunteer Managers in Local Government (NAVPLG)
Monday, June 16, 2014 10:00 AM-11:30 AM
Room: A315

News Article Celebrates Volunteers, Recognizes Volunteer Managers

Greg Castano

Each year during National Volunteer Week (April 6-12), communities across the nation celebrate the countless ways that volunteers make a difference. 
A program of Points of Light, National Volunteer Week has grown exponentially over the years, with thousands of volunteer projects and special events during the week. This year marks the 40th anniversary of National Volunteer Week, demonstrating the enduring importance of recognizing the nation’s volunteers for their vital contributions. 
Each year, National Volunteer Week is held during National County Government Month. Both Volunteer Week and County Government Month provide an excellent opportunity to raise public awareness and understanding about the roles and responsibilities of county government and its volunteers. County volunteers provide companionship to the elderly, help children and new residents, clean-up highways and parks, prepare for emergencies, and staff essential community organizations, just to name a few of the many ways that volunteers serve to enhance county services.



NACo Affialtes Corner

Greg Castano

NAVPLG is proud to be an affiliate of the National Association of Counties (NACo). Check out the links below for some current NACo News and Resources that might be of interest:NAVPLG’s affiliate representative to NACo is Greg Castano Volunteer Services Program Coordinator with Arlington County (VA). Learn more about NACo at www.naco.org


Lessons Learned: PAWS to Read

Barbara Dean

Cynthia, a veteran kindergarten teacher, approached our library to see if we would be interested in starting a "PAWS to Read" program.  Studies show that reluctant readers improve their skills if they read aloud to a non-judgmental audience like a dog.  All the volunteers are trained therapy dogs and are accompanied by their owners. The PAWS program is very successful.  It began with one monthly session at our main library.  We now offer eight sessions monthly at four locations.  Between five and seven volunteers are available at each session.  A child has 15 minutes to read to the dog and the owner is not allowed to correct the child's mistakes. 

NAVPLG2014 - Spring 2014