Fall 2013
National Assocation of Volunteer Programs in Local Government

Award Winning Volunteer Programs

Do you have an award winning volunteer program? Please share information about your award(s) and a picture, if you have one. We will be starting a new feature on the NAVPLG website about our award winning programs. Send information to Lee Ann Harvey at leeann.harvey@decaturga.com or Anthony Richardson at arichardson@rivcoparks.org.

CVA Certification

Registration for the next CVA (Certified in Volunteer Administration) Certification cycle is now open and will remain open until March 1, 2014.


NACo Affiliate Corner

Greg Castano

NAVPLG is proud to be an affiliate of the National Association of Counties (NACo). Check out the links below to some current NACo News and Resources that might be of interest:  


Presidents Corner: Destined to Manage Volunteers

Lee Ann Harvey

Some of us accidentally ended up managing volunteers. Did you ever wonder if this accidental profession was actually your destiny? As so many others of you have done, I worked in a number of jobs in nonprofit, business, and government sectors before becoming a volunteer coordinator. When I ended up managing volunteers, I felt that I had truly found my niche. I didn’t realize how true that was until I was going through an old box a couple of weeks ago.  Inside were some things from high school from many years ago.


Member Corner: Smith County (TX) Sheriff's Office Volunteer Program

Alicia Armstrong

Smith County, one of 254 counties, is in the heart of East Texas covering close to 1,000 square miles.  The Smith County Sheriff's Office Volunteer Program started in 2009 and is patterned after the El Paso County Sheriff’s Office program. 

NAVPLG - Fall 2013