Spring 2013
National Assocation of Volunteer Programs in Local Government

NAVPLG Membership -- a Committment to your Profession

Lee Ann Harvey

Thank you to everyone who has already renewed their NAVPLG membership. We appreciate all of our loyal members. NAVPLG is dedicated to promoting our profession and making your career a success.

If you haven’t renewed your membership for 2013 yet, please do so today by logging in to your account at www.navplg.org. We appreciate your past support and would love to have you continue to be a part of NAVPLG. Thank you for your commitment to NAVPLG and for your role in its success.

Washington, D.C.-- Here We Come!

Leigh Britt

We live in a mostly virtual world in NAVPLG, where we communicate via email and have board meetings on conference call.  In a few months we will have a special opportunity to meet in person at the National Conference on Volunteering & Service (NCVS), June 19-22, in Washington, D.C.

NAVPLG Software Survey Results

Leigh Britt

Volunteer management is about working with people but a big part of that job is managing data about those people: their contact information, their preferences, and their volunteer history. We rely on software to help make those tasks easier.

Have a Question or Just Want to be Inspried?

Visit the volunteer management resources section of our website to see articles and videos shared by your colleagues.  Please return the favor by adding resources you find helpful. 

Mobilizing Volunteers when the White House Calls

LeeAnn Harvey

On Valentine’s Day, two days after delivering the State of the Union Address, President Barack Obama paid a whirlwind visit to the city of Decatur, Georgia, an Atlanta suburb of 19,000 residents. The president first visited City Schools of Decatur’s Early Childhood Learning Center at College Heights, where he spent time with children in class. Afterward, the president spoke to a packed house at the Decatur Recreation Center, standing before a crowd of City Schools of Decatur teachers and staff, calling for universal pre-K instruction modeled on the Decatur program.


NAVPLG 2013 Award Submission Deadline May 1

Susan Mong

It's not too late to nominate someone for one of the  2013 NAVPLG Awards.  There are three categories of awards.   

1. The Outstanding Volunteer Administrator will be recognized for a number of qualities including their effective use of leadership skills, creative utilization of people, resources and opportunities, a strong sense of professional ethics, and an ability to mentor youth and/or peers. CLICK HERE FOR THE ONLINE FORM

2. The Innovative Program Award honors the outstanding achievements of a local government program in the creation and implementation of a program/service, which utilizes volunteers to creatively serve both their local government and their community. CLICK HERE FOR THE ONLINE FORM

3. New Volunteer Administrator Award will be given to someone who has been in their position serving local government for three years or less.  CLICK HERE FOR THE ONLINE FORM

Nominations Deadline: May 1, 2013. Please use online forms to submit nominations.

NAVPLG Board Nominations are Now Open

Do you know someone who would be a good addition to NAVPLG's board? Or perhaps you would like to be more involved in the organization yourself.  In either case, please consider submitting a nomination.  More information is on our website.  

NACo Affiliate Corner

NAVPLG is proud to be an affiliate of the National Association of Counties (NACo). Check out below links to some current NACo News and Resources that might be of interest:
NAVPLG’s affiliate representative to NACo is Greg Castano, Volunteer Services Program Coordinator with Arlington County (VA). Learn more about NACo at www.naco.org.

Newsletter Content

We welcome your comments and suggestions about this publication.  Please contact us if you have articles or resources for future newsletter issues.  Be sure to include all the information you have about a resource.  E-mail suggestions, comments, articles, and/or resources to navplg@yahoo.com.  Thanks
NAVPLG - Spring 2013

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