Fall 2012
National Assocation of Volunteer Programs in Local Government

NAVPLG at the National Association of Counties Annual Conference in Pittsburg

NAVPLG Board Members Past & Present, Christine Nardecchia and Greg Castano, along with Leon County Florida Commissioner Bryan Desloge presented an educational work session at the 2012 NACo Annual Conference and Exposition called Creating, Sustaining, and Improving Volunteerism in Your Community.  The presentation was the living embodiment of NAVPLG and NACo's Volunteer Toolbox and highlighted model government volunteer programming in the City of Dublin, Ohio; Leon County, Florida; and Arlington County, Virginia.

Arlington's 9/11 Day of Service Preparedness Activities for Older Adults

Through a small grant from the Corporation for National & Community Service for the 9/11 National Day of Service and Remembrance, Volunteer Arlington hosted nine preparedness seminars and canvassed at seven senior living facilities, providing starter Go-Kits to over 600 community members. 


Presidents' Message

Leigh Britt

What are you doing to support your professional development?  Right now, there are two opportunities I have to share with you!

Facebook:  Do you use it? A lot of folks do.  Sure, face-to-face meetings would be great, but that’s difficult when we are all over the country and many of us have a meager travel budget, if we have one at all!  If you are on Facebook, please become a fan and share your news, comments or questions related to volunteer management in local government.  Facebook has become my “go to” place to find out what is going on in the rest of the world, so let’s use it as a tool to help one another!


Volunteer Gwinnett

Kay Sibetta

Volunteer Gwinnett is a new, county-wide campaign launched by Gwinnett County Government on February 15, 2012. It was established to engage more residents in volunteer activities and service projects connected with County government. Volunteers have played an important role in some of the County departments for many years, and the County depends on volunteers to help provide residents with the best services and programs possible. Our volunteers contribute directly to the excellent quality of life residents enjoy in our communities.

The program was also created to centralize the County’s volunteer efforts. It was one of over 100 recommendations proposed by Engage Gwinnett, a citizen-led initiative comprised of representatives from 40 community stakeholder groups and organizations, and has the following goals:

• Reach 1 million volunteer service hours by 2015,
• Give residents the opportunity to contribute and enrich their community,
• Offer unique county-wide volunteer opportunities, and
• Increase awareness about Gwinnett County’s roles and responsibilities.


NAVPLG - Fall 2012

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