BYLAWS (approved 2022)
SECTION 1: Our purpose is to strengthen volunteer programs through leadership, education, advocacy, networking and information exchange. NAVPLG focuses exclusively on the unique needs of volunteer programs within the structure of local governments.
SECTION 2: Goals and Objectives:
A. Support the membership by focusing on the unique and dynamic challenges for volunteerism in municipalities and counties.
B. Promote the development of innovative and well-managed volunteer programs in local government through articles, publications, awards programs, workshops, and other educational forums.
C. Educate government agencies, national organizations, and interested members of the general public about the importance of volunteer programs in local government.
D. Serve as a source of expertise to local government officials to promote ways in which volunteerism can strengthen local government initiatives.
E. Foster effective partnerships at the national, regional, state, and local level by encouraging discussion on policies, procedures, programs, and activities which can enhance volunteer efforts in local government agencies.
F. Be an information clearinghouse and technical assistance resource to its members, and to the National Association of Counties, in order to help local governments design and implement successful volunteer programs and strategies to involve citizens in local government operations.
G. Undertake any other activities necessary to further the purposes and objectives of the Association.
SECTION 1: Classification of Membership: individual and group.
The Board of Directors shall establish an annual membership fee for each class of membership.
SECTION 2: Responsibilities and Privileges of Members.
A. An individual member shall be defined as any current dues-paying person from a volunteer program in local government, any local government official, or any organization that collaborates or wishes to collaborate with government entities. Individual members may attend meetings of the Association, participate in the deliberations of the standing and special committees as a chair or member, and participate in the election of the Board of Directors (see Article III). Individual members may also serve as a member of the Board of Directors. If individual members leave their position working in a volunteer program in local government, their membership shall stay with the individual filling their position, unless other arrangements are made with the Membership Chair.
B. A group member shall be defined as any current dues-paying county, city or any organization that collaborates or wishes to collaborate with government entities. A group membership entitles a jurisdiction to designate Association membership of up to six individuals. These six individuals have the same responsibilities and privileges as an individual member.
A. Terms of membership are one year, from January 1 to December 31. Dues are payable each January 1st. Member dues are prorated for those joining after January 1.
SECTION 1: Authority
A. All powers to manage the business and affairs of the Association shall be vested in a Board of Directors of not more than sixteen (16) members. The Board of Directors shall:
1. Be accountable for all aspects of the Association’s operations;
2. Establish long-range goals, policies, and activities;
3. Establish standing committees and ad hoc committees and delegate work to assist the Board of Directors in carrying out its responsibilities;
4. Evaluate results of operations.
SECTION 2: Composition, Terms, and Responsibilities
A. The Board of Directors shall consist of the following:
1. The Executive Board: President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. The term for the Executive Board shall be two years. The preference is for the President and Vice President to be elected in odd years with automatic succession of the Vice President to the office of President the following term. The preference is for the Secretary and Treasurer to be elected in even years. These preferences will help assure continuity on the Executive Board. The Executive Board shall complete their service at the annual meeting two years after their appointment.
2. Additional representatives of the active membership shall complete the Board of Directors. The term for each representative of the Board of Directors shall be two years. The preference is for at least three members of the Board of Directors to be from a county government, three members of the Board of Directors to be from a city government or representatives from organizations that collaborate or wish to collaborate with government entities. These representatives of the Board of Directors are defined as Members-at-Large and Chairs. These representatives shall serve from annual meeting to annual meeting.
3. Ex-Officio members of the Board of Directors include the Past President, representative from the National Association of Counties (NACo) and similar organizations. Organization representatives serve at the pleasure of the President upon the recommendation of their partner organization. The term for an Ex-Officio representative to the Board of Directors will be two years. Additional terms of service for Ex-Officio members can be renewable as determined by the Board of Directors.
4. Term limitations: No Board member shall serve longer than three consecutive terms, or six years.
5. Any Board member missing three consecutive Board meetings will be asked by the President to step down.
6. If any Board member vacancy occurs mid-term, the President shall appoint a member to serve the remainder of the term subject to the approval of the Directors.
7. Any Board member leaving their volunteer management position shall have the option of serving out their term.
SECTION 3: Duties of the Executive Board
A. The President shall preside at all meetings of the Association in an unprejudiced manner. The President shall appoint committees, unless otherwise provided, and shall perform such other duties as are usually incumbent upon that office. The President shall recommend a representative to serve on the Board of Directors of the National Association of Counties’ (NACO). If recommended representatives are not board members, the president may recommend an ex-officio member of the Directors.
B. The Vice President shall serve in the absence of the President and shall assist the President in any manner so directed by either the President or the Directors. Should the office of President become vacant or the President be unable to serve, the Vice President shall assume the office of the President for the remainder of the unexpired term and a new Vice President shall be elected.
C. The Secretary shall give, or cause to be given, notice of all meetings of the Association and attend such meetings; keep, or cause to be kept, a record of all proceedings; attest documents; and perform such other duties as are usual for such official or as may be assigned.
D. The Treasurer shall keep financial records, supply a Treasurer’s report, pay bills, file appropriate documentation to support the organization’s nonprofit status with state and federal authorities, and develop a budget subject to the Director’s approval. Unbudgeted expenses are subject to the approval of the Directors before payment.
SECTION 1: Inaugural Elections – Historical 1998
A. For the elections to be held in 1998, the President will be elected to a one-year term. The President-Elect will be elected to a two-year term. At the beginning of the second year, the President-Elect will become President. The Secretary and the Treasurer will be elected for a term of one year. Seven Directors will be elected. Three Directors will serve for one year and four Directors will serve for two years. In subsequent years, all Directors will be elected for two-year terms. (Article III, Section 2). The election of Officers and Directors shall be conducted by ballot not less than sixty (60) days prior to the annual meetings. All Officers and Directors elected shall serve their full year’s term.
B. Prior to the inaugural election of Officers and Directors, an Interim Executive Committee consisting of an interim President and nine Directors, will govern NAVPLG according to these bylaws.
SECTION 1: Annual Elections
A. For each election, the President shall appoint a three-person Nominating Committee at least four (4) months prior to the annual meeting which shall nominate candidates for the Executive Board, Members-at-Large, and Chairs for Directors.
B. The annual election of Directors shall be conducted at the annual meeting. A slate of nominees shall be e-mailed fourteen (14) days prior to the annual meeting. No member may be a candidate for more than one elective position on any ballot.
SECTION 2: Vacancies
A. In the event of a vacancy in the office of President, the Vice President shall automatically become President (Article III Section 3).
B. In the event of a vacancy of the Vice President, Secretary, or Treasurer, the Board will elect a replacement.
SECTION 1: Annual Meeting
A. The annual meeting of the Association will take place at a volunteer conference, at the Director’s discretion. The site of the annual meeting will be decided by the Directors sixty (60) days prior to the meeting. Official notice of annual meetings shall be given by written notice mail or electronically at least thirty (30) days in advance of the meeting.
B. Special meetings of the Association shall be held at such times and places as determined by the President or upon written petition of a majority of the Directors. Notice of a special meeting shall be given by written notice mail or electronically at least thirty (30) days in advance of the meeting.
SECTION 2: Board of Directors Meeting
A. The Board will meet on a monthly basis via the most convenient method for the Directors. If a quorum is not present, the meeting will be suspended until a quorum can be obtained. The required minimum number of Board votes will be requested by electronic means by the President to approve the Minutes and the Treasurer’s Report for the suspended meeting. Additional meetings may be scheduled as necessary.
SECTION 1: Appointment
A. The President shall appoint committees and program chairs with the approval of the Directors when deemed necessary to further the goals of the Association. Any current member of the Association may petition to serve on a committee.
B. The President shall designate a Chairperson for each committee.
C. Standing committees and program chairs shall consist of, but not be limited to: Nominating, Awards, Education, Membership and Communications (Newsletter, Marketing/Technology, Social Media). Program chairs and committee associates do not need to be Board members; but must work closely with the Board and attend Board meetings when needed.
SECTION 2: Terms
A. The terms of all committees shall be determined by the Directors.
SECTION 1: By vote at annual meeting
A. These bylaws may be amended at any annual meeting by two-thirds vote of the current members of the Association present, provided said amendment is sent in writing or electronically to all voting members at least thirty (30) days before the annual meeting.
SECTION 2: By vote through the mail or electronically
A. These bylaws may be amended by mail or electronically by two-thirds vote of the current members of the Association who return their ballots, provided all members have thirty (30) days to respond to said amendment. For an amendment to be voted on through the mail or electronically it must first be approved by a majority of the Directors.
SECTION 1: All meetings of the Association shall be conducted in accordance with the most recent
edition of Robert’s Rules of Order.
Established in 11/97, Amended 11/99, Amended 10/01, Amended 10/04, Amended 5/06, Amended 5/10, Amended 7/2022