Volunteer Administration: Professional Practice, 4th Edition is now available

If your organization engages volunteers, you already know what volunteers contribute to the mission. Effectively managing, administering and deploying your volunteers can help you achieve your organization’s mandate. Volunteer Administration: Professional Practice, now in its fourth edition, is the only book that addresses the full body of knowledge required by professional administration and management of volunteers. Whether you run an all-volunteer group, a nonprofit organization, or public sector agency, you will find in this practice-oriented book a comprehensive foundation for effective volunteer engagement.

Book Features

  • Introduces and helps to implement the best volunteer management competencies
  • Provides a solid theoretical framework and professional context on how to properly support volunteer engagement
  • Supported by research, statistics, and perspectives from the leading academics in this field
  • Provides proven approaches to practice from credentialed professionals in the field of volunteer administration

Intended Audience

  • CVA candidates may use any edition of the textbook as they prepare for the CVA Exam. It is a recommended resource but is not required.  Exam questions are not based on memorization of the textbook.
  • Managers, coordinators and leaders of volunteers will benefit from the principles and theories presented in this text, as a foundation for other how to books on their shelves.
  • Nonprofit sector educators can use this as a tool for ensuring curriculum development is consistent with real-world practice as verified by a credible practice analysis process.
  • Consultants and trainers in the volunteer administration and management field will find this book helpful as a core reference on which to base their work and share with their clients.
  • Leaders in not-for-profit organizations and public agencies will find credible information to strengthen the function of volunteer administration within their organizations, so that volunteers are maximized as a human resource, and potential risks and challenges are reduced.

Purchasing a Textbook

Textbooks are purchased directly from the publisher Lexis Nexis.  The publisher sets the price of the book.  Books ship within 7-10 days of purchase with tracking details provided from the publisher.

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Previous Editions

Fourth Edition: Jan. 19, 2021

Third Edition: Jan. 1, 2016

Second Edition: Jan. 1 2013

First Edition: Jan. 1, 2010