Why Join NAVPLG?

Donna Phillips, CVA

The question often arises, “If I join NAVPLG, what do I get for my money that I can’t get online or from my local professional association?” Well, that is a good question. And it is one we love to answer.

Of course, there are the easy answers like access to archived newsletters. Do you ever need information and realize that you read an article on just that subject, but where can you get a copy of that article now? Current newsletters are open to anyone on our website, but past newsletters are available only to NAVPLG members. What about an opportunity to develop professional skills? Are you interested in building an impressive resumé by participating on a national association’s board?

But the answer that trumps all others is that NAVPLG lets you network coast to coast with volunteer administrators of government programs. And not just any government program, but those that serve constituent bodies exactly like your own: cities, counties, parks, health or law enforcement to name a few. Government volunteer administrators face funding and management issues that simply do not exist in the nonprofit sector, which is largely the membership of local associations.

Even in my healthy and highly-regarded local association, there are not enough government program administrators to provide the support and information I need— it takes a nation-wide base of colleagues to do that. As we become more experienced, we get to the point where we and our local colleagues pretty much exhaust much of the information we share. We come to realize that we have unique issues requiring a broader range of resources.

My relationship with NAVPLG has enabled me to receive more than a quick answer to an isolated query. My NAVPLG colleagues have given me personal mentoring and a thorough walk-through of whatever professional process I need help with. The ideas, opportunities, and support have been and continue to be invaluable to my work in a local setting.

Donna Phillips, CVA

NAVPLG - Summer 2010

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