30 Years of Community Engagement

Robin Popik, Volunteer Services Supervisor

As Plano grew (now 260,000 in population), so did the volunteer program. Last year, 2012, volunteers donated 90,000 hours with a value of $1.7 million. VIP assignments offered challenges and personal growth within the exciting atmosphere of municipal government. Throughout the years, VIP has recruited and matched the talents of a dedicated volunteer force with the needs of municipal departments. It also assisted in the development of numerous cost-effective programs and has been instrumental in successfully blending volunteer talents with needs within the City and community. 

Recently, in cooperation with other department leaders, VIP staff created “Love Where You Live.” This formal program links the needs and available community resources to enhance neighborhoods and lives of residents, one home at a time. Today, VIP partners with City departments, Habitat for Humanity, as well as schools, faith-based and corporate groups to help repair and preserve homes and neighborhoods creating safe, beautiful and valued neighborhoods.

Volunteers play a major role in departments where there are on-going projects or where staff is limited. These include walking and caring for animals, tutoring in math and ESL programs, patrolling handicap parking and parks, assisting with community events, teaching classes, training citizens on how to live green, and conducting intricate computer and writing projects for various departments. 

The VIP program and staff members have won national, state and county awards.  Articles on its success have been featured by the International City Managers Association, the Association for Volunteer Administration, the Texas Town and City magazine, the National Association of Volunteer Programs in Local Government, and the Bush School of Government and Public Service at Texas A & M, as well as volunteer websites, local magazines and newspapers.

Over the years VIP has been called a model program.  Presentations have been made at the Governor’s Conference, Texas Municipal League, the International City Managers Conference, and the International Association of Volunteer Management Conference.  Staff has also assisted hundreds of local governments around the United States in starting and enhancing their volunteer programs.
NAVPLG - Winter 2013

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