NAVPLG leaves its mark at NCVS in Chicago!

Leigh Britt

More than 60 people attended the NAVPLG session that also included an opportunity for networking according to government type (city, county, other) and program area (public safety, senior services, parks & recreation, etc.).  Attendees had an opportunity to talk with each other about how NAVPLG could best serve them, share an accomplishment from their program and also a challenge their peers could assist them with.  The notes from this sesssion will be compiled and used by the NAVPLG board as we discuss programming for this year.

Pictured above is the group at one of the "city" tables.

NAVPG members and others who work in local government also shared a social outing to Billy Goat's Bar & Grill on Navy Pier on Tuesday evening, June 19.  The event was attended by more than 25 people that included past NAVPLG presidents, current leadership and future members!  This was a great way for those who work in local government to network in an informal, relaxed setting. 



NAVPLG - Summer 2012

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