President's message -- July 2012

Leigh Britt

I feel especially good about the activities of NAVPLG at this year's NCVS in Chcago, Illinois. More than 60 people attended our session where we presented awards to Robin Popek from Plano, Texas as Out-standing Volunteer Administrator and Volunteer!Decatur in Decatur, George with the Innovative Program Award.  We also took time to network with one another based on the type of government we work in and program type.  Several NAVPLG members and others who work in local government also enjoyed a social outing to Navy Pier.

What did we learn from our time together?  Several things:

  • There is value in having a professional network.  That was clear by the attendance at our two meetings and repeated multiple times in our networking session.
  • We have a lot to be proud of in our work!  We could hear that in the discussions.  Many of us have well-established, strong programs that make an important difference in our communities.
  • Many of us have needs that can be met through NAVPLG.  We are looking for information on common issues including volunteer management software, advice on background checks, and an opportuniy to network with our peers.

The new year for NAVPLG is starting.  We have an important purpose in serving our members.  Thanks for being a part of our organization!

NAVPLG - Summer 2012

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