NAVPLG to meet at the National Conference on Volunteering & Service

  • On Monday, June 18, NAVPLG will have our own session from 10-11:30 a.m. in room W179B.  We will recognize present and future leadership, present awards and conduct a networking session with colleagues from across the country.   When registering for the conference, please reference session number 2990.
  • Tuesday evening, June 19, we are hoping to gather for an evening meal.  This has been a tradition for NAVPLG at the National Conference and a way to continue our networking.  We will find a restaurant to accommodate our group and each pay for our own meal.  As time and interest allows, we will explore Chicago!  If you are familiar with Chicago and would like to help organize this outing, please contact NAVPLG president Leigh Britt at

NCVS is one of the few occasions we have to see one another in person.  It is a powerful opportunity for us to share ideas and best practices. 

NAVPLG - Spril 2012

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