Survey Says!

Leigh Britt

Here is a bit of what you told us.

  • Titles:  15 are coordinators, four are managers and two are directors.
  • Type of government:  14 work in county government, nine with cities.
  • Municipality size:  There is quite a variation with four having a populartion of less than 100,000, 13 with 100,000-300,000 and six with populations of more than 300,000.
  • Organization of volunteer programs:  eight are centralized working with all departments, four are centralized but only working with some departments, and the remaining 11 respondents work with a variety of individual departments and programs.
  • Time dedicated to volunteer management:  Eight are totally dedicated to working with volunteers, seven are assigned 75% of their time or more with the remaining eight assigned less than 75% of their time to volunteer management.
  • Who is your boss:  No one reports directly to a city manager or county commissioner.  Seven report to a department head and 12 report to a supervisor or division head.
  • Nearly all of us are employed full time:  Only one respondent works part-time.
  • Salaries are all across the board:  Four make less than $45,000 annually, seven make $45,000-$55,000, five make $55,000-$65,000 and six make more than $65,000.
  • Number of volunteers:  Ten have less than 250 volunteers, four have 250-1,000, five have 1,000-5,000 and four have 5,000-10,000 volunteers.
  • Hours contributed:  Six respondents have less than 10,000 hours contributed annually by volunteers, four have 10,000-30,000 hours, seven with 30,000-50,000 hours and six programs have more than 50,000 volunteer hours recorded annually.
  • Volunteercoordinators/managers are usually not the only staff working with volunteers.  Seven respondents have one or two staff who work with volunteers, five have 3-5 staff, five have 6-15 and six have 16 or more staff who work with volunteers.
NAVPLG - Winter 2012

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