New Article

Lee Ann Harvey

Registration has opened for the National Conferrence on Volunteering and Service in Houston Oct. 19-21, 2015. Be sure to register for the NAVPLG Session on Monday, Oct. 19 from 8:30am to 10am. The session filled quickly last year and many attendees were waitlisted. In addition to a wonderful opportunity to learn from our peers, this is also our annual meeting and awards presentation. Save Tuesday evening for our traditional NAVPLG Network Mixer. More information on the Mixer will be available soon.

This is YOUR conference, so please let us know how you would like it structured and what topics are important to you. We had extremely popular panel discussions for the last two years. Better yet - join the planning committee!

Book your hotel room right away to get the Government rate. There are an extremely limited number of rooms available at this rate.

For more information or to join the planning committee, please contact Lee Ann Harvey at or 678-553-6548 or 770-652-8593.
NAVPLG2014 - Spring 2015 Newsletter

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