Program Idea: Youth In Action

Leigh Britt

Here is how the program works:

  • By April of each year, an intern is hired to arrange and supervise projects and recruit youth to participate.
  • Kids 12-15 register to participate in the program.  They can select from the projects that fit their schedule and interest.  Parents agree to provide transportation to and from the projects.
  • Volunteer projects are scheduled with the City as well as agencies throughout the community and may include helping at special events, stream cleanups, serving lunch to low income children or repackaging food at the food bank.

The largest expense to this program is hiring an intern, however, you could make it a volunteer internship!  We are able to conduct the entire program for less than $7,000 while meeting an important community need.  To learn more about Youth In Action, visit


NAVPLG - Fall 2011

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