President's Message: The Value of Our Network

Leigh Britt

The purpose of NAVPLG is simple:  to provide a network so we can share ideas and resources and also ask questions of others in our field.  Your situation may be like mine ... there are lots of volunteer managers in my community, but almost none are dealing with the same issues and challenges we have in local government.

 Some ways that you can take advantage of NAVPLG:

  • If you have announcements, questions or challenges to share, we can distribute these to our membership list.  Feel free to drop me an email and I would be happy to send it to our membership.
  • Get involved!  We have openings on our board, but also welcome your participation on one of our committees helping select award recipients, plan for our meeting at the National Conference on Volunteering and Service or help with future issues of this newsletter!
  • Nominate a program or volunteer professional for one of the NAVPLG's awards.  Information is on the website and more details will be announced in the spring of 2012. 

Thanks for your membership and support of NAVPLG. PLease contact me if I can be of service to you!

Leigh Britt

NAVPLG President

City of Columbia, Missouri

573-874-7504 --

NAVPLG - Fall 2011

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