President's Message: Make Connections in 2015!

Kay Sibetta

Happy New Year – we made it!  It’s 2015 and I am so excited about the new opportunities at NAVPLG. Thank you so much for your continued support and partnership. We are a membership driven and national association that could not thrive without the support from our amazing members and Board.    

If you are joining NAVPLG for the first time or you are returning – welcome and thank you! As members, you are the life blood of NAVPLG.  I challenge you – to be more involved and engaged in 2015. We need you now more than ever.  We have an outstanding Board of Directors that is very committed to making NAVPLG, one of the best professional associations nationwide. It is my pleasure to serve you as your President and I look forward to another exciting year.

2014 was a great year with significant accomplishments. Most important and worth noting, was the re-design of our brand and re-launching of a new website Please check it out if you have not already – it’s awesome! The new website is vibrant, more interactive, informative and easier to navigate. And so, 2015 will be a continuation of 2014 – building up the momentum of our organization.

In addition to the dynamic website and re-branding, NAVPLG is pleased to announce – members will now receive a 10% discount fee from the regular Certified in Volunteer Administration (CVA) registration rate when perusing their CVA credential. This is possible because of a collaborative partnership agreement between NAVPLG and the Council for Certification in Volunteer Administration (CCVA). NAVPLG is thrilled about this partnership for several reasons, and most of all, it allows our members to grow professionally utilizing effective tools and networks. To learn about obtaining a CVA, please visit

Please feel free to contact me or any of the board members if you have any questions or comments. We look forward to hearing from you soon. Send us your comments, ideas and tell us what you are doing. We would love to share that with our members. Again, thank you so much for your support, membership and partnership.

Bring it 2015. Let’s get to work
NAVPLG2014 - Make Connections in 2015!

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