Lessons Learned: PAWS to Read

Barbara Dean

Cynthia recruits the volunteers, instructs them to fill out the Library’s volunteer application and background consent form.  She also schedules the volunteers for each session.  I process the applications and let Cynthia know when someone has passed their background check.  Our Youth Services staff has three duties.  They
  1. register children for a 15-minute session,
  2. make sure there is a quiet place where the owner, dog and reader can work together, and
  3. keep track of when a child is scheduled for a session and lets them into the room when it is their turn.  
The program is a wonderful addition to the library's literacy efforts and comes with the extra bonus of very little added work to the paid staff.

Dog and child reading together.

Paws-to-Read is a partnership between the Library and PAL (People Animals Love), a local animal therapy organization in Northern Virginia.  You can learn more about why reading to dogs helps children become better readers from the UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine.
NAVPLG - Spring 2014

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