Lessons from the Field

Robin Popik

Effort by the Volunteers In Plano Program and fellow librarians was important in getting the program up and running.  A group of 10 to 12 participants meet weekly with 3 to 4 volunteers to facilitate conversation on various topics. A librarian introduces the topic of the day, then breakout sessions follow to discuss topics and practice speaking skills in a small group.  Volunteers serve as topic facilitators.  Scheduled topics may include technology, movies, current events, getting a library card, education, talking to teachers, doctors, or even grocery store clerks.
As a result, program participants feel more comfortable with the language and can communicate more effectively with teachers, doctors, library personnel, and their kids.
Since its inception, the program has grown from two sessions a year to include fall, winter, spring and summer sessions in four libraries.
Community Need for Program
With the influx of various ethnic groups as shown by the 2010 Census, Plano has approximately 43,659 Asian inhabitants, the third largest Asian population in Texas.  There are 38,174 Hispanic people along with over 26,000 residents of other ethnicities which live in the city.  Many from this growing multicultural population are regular Plano library users.  Over one third of Plano’s population speaks a language other than English at home. However, over 88% of those are fluent in English. 
The program has been fortunate in finding volunteers who are committed to and continue to bring their expertise to the table.  The Volunteer Resources Supervisor and staff take time to visit with each potential volunteer and place them according to interest. 
NAVPLG - Winter Issue

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